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[#] Mon Jan 16 2017 15:05:03 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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well done. Other times it's mean to challenge the diner. Both have

When I hear "challenge the diner" I think of either an obstacle course that you must navigate in order to get to your table, or a portion size that is so obtusely large that you get the meal for free if you finish it.

I suppose there are other challenges, such as "you'll never guess what we put in this" or "allergy russian roulette" or "serve the customer decaf and see how long you live" but sometimes I just want a damn cheeseburger.

[#] Mon Jan 16 2017 17:51:00 EST from wizard of aahz

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More like challenge the diner.. Here's some tripe! in a balsamic vinagrette or nettle soup in a lavender bisque. <GRIN>

[#] Mon Jan 16 2017 18:18:30 EST from Ladyhawke

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[#] Mon Jan 16 2017 19:07:57 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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That would be more like ... challenge me to walk out the door and *go* to a diner.

[#] Tue Jan 17 2017 07:56:45 EST from fleeb

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Do dum de ditty ditty dop dop poo.

Or words to that effect. Pick your language and your nose, radiate a rubber hose and snuff it gently in the wind.

[#] Tue Jan 17 2017 14:19:20 EST from wizard of aahz

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IG - how do you know you won't like it?

[#] Wed Jan 18 2017 11:18:35 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Minds are like microwave ovens: they only function when closed.

[#] Tue Jan 24 2017 09:08:34 EST from Ladyhawke

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Would they explode if you put tinfoil in them?

[#] Mon Jan 30 2017 23:45:23 EST from stbob

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hi all. citadel operator from long long ago. just installed my first citadel in over two decades. somehow it all feels familiar again. oh yes, and i'm running it on a pi.

[#] Tue Jan 31 2017 07:52:11 EST from zooer

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Good to read and welcome


[#] Tue Jan 31 2017 09:44:54 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Welcome aboard. Enjoy your Citadel, and please stick around and enjoy our community here.

[#] Tue Jan 31 2017 10:19:56 EST from fleeb

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Welcome back to Citadel, stbob!

[#] Wed Feb 01 2017 15:18:33 EST from Haven

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Which Citadel did you operate back in the day?  

[#] Thu Feb 02 2017 09:16:23 EST from wizard of aahz

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Happy Fleeb Day!

I think I have the date correct.

[#] Thu Feb 02 2017 09:27:17 EST from Ladyhawke

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Ooh, right!  Happy Zombie Day, Fleeb!  Wishing you many braaaaains!

[#] Thu Feb 02 2017 09:46:21 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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That's pretty much it. Punxutawney Phil sees his shadow, but Zombie Fleeb eats his shadow.

[#] Thu Feb 02 2017 11:33:46 EST from fleeb

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Num num num...

Any non-rodently prognosticated predictions are, today, void of merit.

[#] Thu Feb 02 2017 13:22:06 EST from the_mgt

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Does that mean Zombie Fleeb eats Punxsutawney Phil's shadow? I am confused.

Happy shadow eating day!

[#] Thu Feb 02 2017 15:04:22 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Any non-rodently prognosticated predictions are, today, void of merit.

...and, uncoincidentally, void of braaaaaaaaaiiinnnssss.

[#] Thu Feb 02 2017 18:44:54 EST from Shazam

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Happy Trey Day!

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