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[#] Fri Jan 24 2014 05:14:11 UTC from technical1

Subject: ssss

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[#] Fri Jan 24 2014 05:24:01 UTC from zooer

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Crap, we got snakes.

[#] Fri Jan 24 2014 12:18:38 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Hush now, it's very technical. We probably don't understand it.

[#] Fri Jan 24 2014 13:20:14 UTC from zooer

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...or an air leak.

[#] Fri Jan 24 2014 14:30:12 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Snakes on a BBS!!

[#] Fri Jan 24 2014 22:43:24 UTC from athos-mn

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Excuse me, that's "Motherfucking snakes on a motherfucking BBS" if you please.


Thank you.

[#] Sat Jan 25 2014 12:18:07 UTC from zooer

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Snakes on a Plane amazes me. I am amazed that somebody came up with such a silly idea, then took the time to
make a screen play out of it. People green lit the idea and invested in it. Actors read the script and said,
"Damn, this sounds like a great film, I will do it!", and apparently it made 62 million dollars so there were
enough people that went to see the film.

I weep for humanity.

[#] Sun Jan 26 2014 16:53:05 UTC from Sig

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Eh. It was a mutual decision not to take themselves too seriously, tacitly agreed upon by everyone involved (including the audience).

[#] Mon Jan 27 2014 16:26:08 UTC from triLcat

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Sharknado... gotta love the name... can't watch the movie.


[#] Mon Jan 27 2014 20:15:20 UTC from LoanShark

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[#] Mon Jan 27 2014 20:39:10 UTC from triLcat

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what nooo? The name is completely bizarrely hilarious. But I was afraid my brain might go dormant permanently if I exposed it to such stupidity.


[#] Mon Jan 27 2014 21:33:43 UTC from triLcat

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It's impressive how many movies actually come out that look like they would have fit the bill for "The Producers" and then actually succeed!

[#] Tue Jan 28 2014 00:24:04 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Go ahead and watch Sharknado. The campiness is exquisite.

[#] Tue Jan 28 2014 02:08:43 UTC from girthta

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[#] Tue Jan 28 2014 02:21:19 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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*kermit flails*

girthta! happy happy gappy!!

[#] Tue Jan 28 2014 05:56:21 UTC from ax25

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Mon Jan 27 2014 09:21:19 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar

*kermit flails*

girthta! happy happy gappy!!

I thought RFC 2839 would be a smashing success.  I usually had a good outcome by switching to Kermit.  Since Kermit supports X.25, it is a go in my book.  Sorry girtha.  I don't get the joke though, so I might be offensive without realizing.  If so, I am sorry.  

[#] Tue Jan 28 2014 07:14:44 UTC from triLcat

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I think Sharknado might be the sort of movie that I would have enjoyed back when I was watching movies with a whole bunch of geeky, cynical friends, and we spent the time making fun of the movie...

Alas, those days are gone :(


[#] Tue Jan 28 2014 14:56:07 UTC from zooer

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That wasn't your life or your friends, that was MST3K.

[#] Tue Jan 28 2014 15:51:51 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Mon Jan 27 2014 09:08:43 PM EST from girthta


OOooh....a girthta!   You DO still exist!  :-)

Welcome back!

[#] Tue Jan 28 2014 18:36:58 UTC from LoanShark

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*is quite concerned about sharks being harmed in the making of Sharknado*

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