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[#] Thu Sep 26 2024 14:12:19 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Telnet Support

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is Citadel supoorting telnet by standard install or is there
something to configure ?

The standard install includes a text mode client installed into /usr/local/citadel/citadel

There are instructions at [ ] which outline the steps required to make your system answer telnet connections with the Citadel client.

[#] Thu Sep 26 2024 15:18:48 UTC from Goose

Subject: Re: Telnet Support

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Thu Sep 26 2024 10:12:19 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: Telnet Support
is Citadel supoorting telnet by standard install or is there
something to configure ?

The standard install includes a text mode client installed into /usr/local/citadel/citadel

There are instructions at [ ] which outline the steps required to make your system answer telnet connections with the Citadel client.

Thanks for your help. Do i need to start this text mode client separated ?

[#] Thu Sep 26 2024 19:56:41 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Telnet Support

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Thanks for your help. Do i need to start this text mode client
separated ?

I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by "separated".

It's included with the Easy Install distribution. If you're running Citadel in a container you'll need to run a command to execute it inside the container.

[#] Thu Oct 03 2024 15:16:43 UTC from BlkPanther

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I running Citadel under docker:

sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped ==network host --volume=/home/citadel:/citadel-data citadeldotorg/citadel


Trying to add an SSL cert to citadel, but it not working as I do not know what the web-root path is.

sudo certbot certonly --agree-tos --non-interactive --test --rsa-key-size 4096 --email admin@domain.local --webroot-path /home/citadel -d mail.domain.local



Type:     unauthorized

Detail:  IP.Address: Invalid response form http://mail.domain.local/.well-knownd/acme-challenge/xyz_abc: 404


So need to know what to put down as the webroot to get this to work.

[#] Fri Oct 04 2024 14:27:26 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: webroot for Citadel under docker

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So need to know what to put down as the webroot to get this to

This is kind of a hack, but you could try installing and running certbot inside the container to expose /usr/local/webcit to it.

You've kind of pointed out a real issue that we need to address, so thank you for that.

[#] Mon Oct 07 2024 15:59:26 UTC from deependofmac

Subject: Keycloak integration

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Is there a resource or recommended starting point for integrating Citadel and Keycloak?

[#] Fri Oct 18 2024 17:29:44 UTC from MisterC

Subject: Cannot upload login/logoff images

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HI all

New to running Citadel but it was always my favorite BBS software back in the late 80s/early 90s.


I have a docker installation running and things seem to be working well for the most part.

I am having an issue when I attempt to upload either a login or logout logo.


I get the following (this example is for the logout, the login is the same except images/hello):

Cannot open images/uimg 1: No such file or directory

There is no "images" directory in my citadel-data directory.  I tried making files/images and that didn't help.

Any pointers would be great .


[#] Wed Oct 23 2024 13:23:29 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Keycloak integration

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Is there a resource or recommended starting point for
integrating Citadel and Keycloak?

I'm afraid I don't know anything about Keycloak. What is it?

[#] Wed Oct 23 2024 13:39:49 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Keycloak integration

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its an identity management thing.  Opensource.

Wed Oct 23 2024 09:23:29 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: Keycloak integration

I'm afraid I don't know anything about Keycloak. What is it?


[#] Mon Oct 28 2024 11:47:23 UTC from BrotherPhil

Subject: Re: Remote IP creating users?

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Mon Sep 16 2024 21:25:19 EDTfrom IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: Remote IP creating users?

Here's an example of a message from Aide.

New user account <nobody> has been created, from host [].

This is baffling.  If you have self-service account creation turned off, there should be no way to do this.

Unless ... you are using host system authentication, or LDAP authentication, instead of Citadel's self-contained authentication?  Are the names of the accounts (such as "nobody") the names of accounts from your host system or LDAP authentication source, and never some unknown name?

Because if that's the case, then it's possible that our shithead intruders are trying names that are likely to exist (nobody, www, sshd, uucp, mail, news, etc) and they do exist so Citadel creates matching accounts ... but unless the intruder knows the password, it will only create the account, but they won't actually be able to log in.

Is it possible that this is what's happening?

I think you may have the answer - I just switched my system to self-contained, and it has also fixed my problem of not being able to log in with one of my user names.
Thanks for your help.


[#] Wed Oct 30 2024 12:35:39 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Problem with Webmail.

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Dear All,

It is giving the following problem to me.

When I write a email with webmail I have a limited number o caracteres that I can input in the subject field. Less that 70, I suppose.

I am using last version (1004) in Centos 9.


Luis Gonçalves.

[#] Sun Nov 03 2024 02:43:03 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Remote IP creating users?

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I think you may have the answer - I just switched my system to self-contained, and it has also fixed my problem of not being able to log in with one of my user names.

I am so relieved to hear that!  To be clear, here's how Citadel sets up accounts when you're running it in host-integrated mode or LDAP mode:

Any time a user account is looked up, regardless of whether the login succeeds or fails, if that account exists in the authentication source (host or LDAP) a corresponding account is created in Citadel.  That's because Citadel assumes the account is legitimate, because it exists on the host or in LDAP.  So if someone tries to access that account, it comes into existence whether it's needed or not.  But fear not: the intruder won't be able to actually access the account unless the correct password is issued.

Now if you're using self-contained authentication, Citadel relies solely on itself for account and password management.  And if you've disabled self-service account creation, you should never see new accounts appear unless they were created by an administrator.

Thanks for your help. 

Thank you for being here to be part of developing a solution, and thank you for using Citadel!

[#] Sun Nov 03 2024 02:44:19 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Problem with Webmail.

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When I write a email with webmail I have a limited number o caracteres that I can input in the subject field. Less that 70, I suppose.

How many characters do you need?  We might be able to get it up to a few hundred, but not much more than that.


[#] Sun Nov 03 2024 21:32:29 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Re: Problem with Webmail.

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How much the RFC permits? There is not a maximum by the standard?

I suppose that in some emails clients there is a maximum from which is cut.

But 70 (??) is too few.

I suppose that 256 is enough for me in particular.

Sun Nov 03 2024 02:44:19 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: Problem with Webmail.


When I write a email with webmail I have a limited number o caracteres that I can input in the subject field. Less that 70, I suppose.

How many characters do you need?  We might be able to get it up to a few hundred, but not much more than that.



[#] Thu Nov 07 2024 13:55:20 UTC from alperumit

Subject: When I add a mail filter based on message size, citserver crashes

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Hello All,

I added a mail filter to an account I created. The rule is as follows; If the message size is larger than 10MB, send the defined reject message and stop. I tried almost every variation but no luck :( will you please help me to solve this? 

Thank you.  

After defining the rule, when I test it, the following situation occurs in the log.

{"log":"citserver[7]: fulltext: indexing started. msgs 457--458\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.342358177Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: msgbase: CtdlFetchMessage(458, 1)\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.344190837Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: fulltext: ft_index_message() adding msg 458\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.374346074Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: msgbase: CtdlOutputPreLoadedMsg(TheMessage=not null, 0, 0, 0, 1\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.374414953Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: msgbase: fixed_output_pre() type=\u003cmultipart/mixed\u003e\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.376436866Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: msgbase: fixed_output() part 1:  (text/plain) (22 bytes)\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.376535161Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: msgbase: fixed_output_post() type=\u003cmultipart/mixed\u003e\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.37821028Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: fulltext: wordbreaking message 458 (23 bytes)\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.378250008Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: fulltext: indexing message 458 [2 tokens]\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.37836418Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: fulltext: indexer has run for 0 seconds; yielded=0\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.379728317Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: user_ops: 5 maps to avayacit03\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.380228496Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: msgbase: CtdlFetchMessage(457, 1)\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.38032817Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: inboxrules: for avayacit03, messages newer than 457\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.380492983Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: inboxrules: processing message #458 which is higher than 457, we are in 0000000005.Mail\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.38068976Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: inboxrules: processing rule: 0 , field: size\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.38081185Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: inboxrules: loading metadata for message 458\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.38082569Z"}

{"log":"citserver[7]: inboxrules: rule activated\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.380832963Z"}

{"log":"ctdlvisor: pid=7 exited, status=139, exitcode=0\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.430515813Z"}

{"log":"ctdlvisor: citserver crashed on signal 11\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.430548361Z"}

{"log":"ctdlvisor: citserver running on pid=76\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.430624425Z"}

{"log":"ctdlvisor: executing citserver\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.430660564Z"}

{"log":"citserver[76]: main: creating lockfile\n","stream":"stderr","time":"2024-11-07T13:50:53.447751474Z"}

[#] Mon Nov 11 2024 10:52:10 UTC from alcomys

Subject: No working install posible on debian bookworm or other raspberry pi os

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Hi Guys,

I have been busy day's to get citadel running on my raspberry pi but without success.

The setup and needed download when use easy install are good to go, but when it comes to login to the admin it goes wrong.

When installing the easy install the standard way so use admin and the password citadel for the web cit to login i got always an password error.

If i run the easy installer again and replace the admin and password with some of my own i have the same problem with password error.

I did searched google for an answer but there is less information on how to get it work on Debian bookworm.


Maybe someone did had the same problems as i have? and solved them?

Or maybe someone can help me out here? because it is very frustrating when trying days without success.

Thanks in Advance.






[#] Wed Nov 13 2024 02:28:40 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Problem with Webmail.

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

I suppose that in some emails clients there is a maximum from
which is cut.

But 70 (??) is too few.

Ok, it will be 256 in the next update.

[#] Wed Nov 13 2024 02:51:49 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: When I add a mail filter based on message size, citserver crashes

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]


Thu Nov 07 2024 01:55:20 PM UTC from alperumit

Hello All,

I added a mail filter to an account I created. The rule is as follows; If the message size is larger than 10MB, send the defined reject message and stop. I tried almost every variation but no luck :( will you please help me to solve this? 

Thank you.  

Thank you for such a well researched and clearly written bug report.  I was able to reproduce this issue immediately, and was also able to get a stack trace of the crash, so it ought to be fixable reasonably quickly.

An official issue tracker page has been created at [ ]


[#] Wed Nov 13 2024 03:56:50 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: When I add a mail filter based on message size, citserver crashes

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Ok, this is fixed in

The fixed code will appear in the next released version.

In the mean time, try the following workaround: create a rule that forces the inbox handler to load the message headers.  For example, "if subject equals xyxyxyxyxyx, file into trash, and continue".  Doesn't matter what it is, as long as it appears in the list above your reject rule.

You can remove that dummy rule after the next upgrade.  Watch for a new release of Citadel Server over the next few days.


[#] Wed Nov 13 2024 07:48:11 UTC from alperumit

Subject: Re: When I add a mail filter based on message size, citserver crashes

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Thank you for your attention on such short notice. We also appreciate you spending your valuable personal time to develop and maintain a good product like Citadel.

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