I am running Debian 12, do you know if OPENID is still supported
and what libraries LDAP requires so that the modules are built
during the easy setup process?
OpenID isn't supported anymore, no one was using it and it was becoming a burden to maintain. In the future we are likely to add OAuth and/or SAML because that seems to be what the world is using now.
LDAP is fully supported in every build. If you have Citadel you have LDAP.
Mr. Foobar and Support Team,
If LDAP is fully supported, how do you get rid of the message, "NOTE: This Citadel server has been built without LDAP support. These options will have no effect."
Please also not that my install was partially executed and that i had to manually add some of the "systemctl services"
How do I ENABLE the LDAP support?
I am on debian bookworm.
On a fresh install i am using this
apt install build-essential curl g++ gettext shared-mime-info libssl-dev slapd ldap-utils libical-dev libstdc++6
together with the easy-install script.
Might be too much but is doing the job.
Subject: How to access the admin user with ldap activated
Im on Debian bookworm ( fresh installed )
A fresh install with
apt install build-essential curl g++ gettext shared-mime-info libssl-dev slapd ldap-utils libical-dev libstdc++6
and the easy-install script ends with a working citadel server.
All domain user are pulled in and accessable, BUT not the build in admin user.
So how do i access the bulid in admin user ?
Hello. I've installed Citadel on a Debian 12 VPS using the EasyIntall process. All the compilations, etc, seemed to go without a problem. Eventually, it got to "Restarting Citadel server to apply changes",
which was followed by a line of dots which were replaced by * as the procedure advanced.
When it got to four dots from the end, however, everything hangs. It just sits there, with the last 4 dots unmoving. Eventually, I broke out with a ctrl-C, and ran citadel setup manually, but exactly the same thing happened.
I should add that I accepted all the defaults for the questions that were asked by the setup process, as they seemed reasonable.
All the required ports are open.
I'd appreciate some advice.
Thank you to all those who have put in so much hard work on this project!
Subject: ALL Citadel servers have LDAP. Ignore the warning message.
If LDAP is fully supported, how do you get rid of the message,
"NOTE: This Citadel server has been built without LDAP support.
These options will have no effect."
All right, I just went in to see what the heck is going on with this issue, and here is what I found:
You may IGNORE the message that says "Citadel has been built without LDAP support." There is no such thing. That message displays even if you have a working LDAP setup.
We will work on getting that spurious message removed. In the mean time, the workaround is to ignore it.
Thank you for all of the reports.
Subject: Re: ALL Citadel servers have LDAP. Ignore the warning message.
And to make things a little easier ... we have updated the published Citadel distribution to version 1001, which is now available in source distribution, Docker container, and Easy Install.
There's not much new in this version except for the removal of the erroneous "Citadel has been built without LDAP support" message. Also, the option to switch from self-contained authentication to LDAP authentication has been moved from the "Access" tab to the "Directory" tab. This seems to make a little more sense.
I just visited the Citadel website and found that a link on the website (to the feature list) is broken.
It seems important for new visitors and potential users to be able to find out about the features of Citadel.
From the Web Archive, this link seems broken for a while now.
Link goes to: https://www.citadel.org/doku.php?id=features
Showing this at the destination:
I went back several years and last time this link worked was in 2019:
Suggestion is to fix the broken link.
All the best,
... excuse me, 2020.
I guess just the link URL needs to be updated.
All the best,
Subject: Re: Website: Broken link to feature list
Is it possible to edit a mail in "Drafts" under "My folders"?
I didn't like that general users can see the host location of other visitors. So I made a change (TestUser001 is a non-admin testing account).
Here's the file and location of what you need to edit
- /usr/local/webcit/static/t/who/section.html
- or - /usr/local/webcit/local.static/t/who/section.html
Here's the contents of the file that rendered the above screenshot.
<tr class="<?ITERATE:ODDEVEN>">
<td class="edit_col">
<??("COND:AIDE", 1)><??("WHO:ISME", 2)>
<a href="terminate_session?which_session=<?WHO:SESSION>?template=who" onClick="return ConfirmKill();"><?_("(kill)")></a>
(<a href="display_edituser?username=<?WHO:NAME("U")>&edit_config_button=Edit+configuration&nonce=<?NONCE>"><?_("Edit configuration")></a>)
(<a href="display_edituser?username=<?WHO:NAME("U")>&edit_abe_button=Edit+address+book+entry"><?_("Edit address book entry")></a>)
<??("X", 2)><??("X", 1)>
<!-- link to page this user -->
<td><a href="display_page?recp=<?WHO:NAME("X")>">
<img src="static/webcit_icons/essen/16x16/chat.png" alt="(p)" title="chat"></a>
| </td>
<!-- idle flag -->
<?!("WHO:IDLE", 4)>
<img align="middle" src="static/webcit_icons/essen/16x16/user.png" alt="(<?_("idle since")>s <?WHO:IDLESINCE> <?_("Minutes")>)" title="(<?_("idle since")>s <?WHO:IDLESINCE> <?_("Minutes")>)">
<?!("X", 4)>
<??("WHO:IDLE", 5)>
<img align="middle" src="static/webcit_icons/essen/16x16/activeuser.png" alt="(<?_("active")>)">
<?!("X", 5)>
<!-- username (link to user bio/photo page) -->
<a href="do_template?template=user_show?who=<?WHO:NAME("U")>"><?WHO:NAME("X")></a>
<??("WHO:NSESSIONS", 6, 1)>[<?WHO:NSESSIONS>]<?!("X", 6)>\
<!-- room -->
<?!("WHO:REALROOM", 7)>
<br><i> <?WHO:REALROOM("X")> </i>
<?!("X", 7)>
<!-- hostname -->
<td class="host_col">
<??("COND:AIDE", 1)><??("WHO:ISME", 2)>
<?!("WHO:REALHOST", 8)><br><i> <?WHO:REALHOST("X")></i>
<?!("X", 8)>
<??("X", 2)><??("X", 1)>
Redacting information for the safety of my visitors. 👍
- Tumblefluff the Squirrel
I have a server that seems to be keeping the logs forever, and keeps running out of space. How do I force it to remove the logs once they are committed?
Would be better posting this over in the support room, will be more likely to be seen. ( and no, i dont have the answer )
I have a server that seems to be keeping the logs forever, and keeps running out of space. How do I force it to remove the logs once they are committed?
Oops! Meant to do that!
I have a server that seems to be keeping the logs forever, and keeps running out of space. How do I force it to remove the logs once they are committed?
There is a system setting called "Automatically delete committed database logs" in your global configuration. You can change it from WebCit (administration screen) or from the text client (.Admin System-configuration General). Set it to "Yes" to make Citadel Server purge database log files that are no longer needed.
This is also the default setting.
Nice little hack.
Granted WebCit is on the way out, I do feel in the interim something to this effect might be nice in release as a default.
Still, if memory serves that information would still be present via a Who lookup on the text client, so it's still not a complete obfuscation...
Hello, I setup my own mailserver and its kinda weird how its setup but ill try to explain. I have a mailserver at mail.domain.com and its sending mail for my domain domain.com. The server is self hosted and a PTR record for my IP is set to the ISP's domain but that domain is pointed to my IP which makes my email panel accesible via the ISP's domain the only issue is that im receiving a 550-5.7.25 error. Can someone help me setup the right DNS records?
My current DNS records are:
mail.domain.com. 1 IN A !MYIP!
domain.com. 1 IN MX 10 mail.domain.com.
domain.com. 1 IN TXT "v=spf1 ip4:!MYIP! -all"
and when I run dig on my IP
!ReversedIP!.in-addr.arpa. 86400 IN PTR !ReversedIP!.ISP.com
And some DMARC and domainkey records
the conftests in version 1001 (and likely all previous ones as well) need an upgrade. they fail with compilers which default to c99 due to formalities and hence the actual check fails even if it would actually pass.
conftest.c:25:3: error: type specifier missing, defaults to 'int'; ISO C99 and later do not support impli
cit int [-Wimplicit-int]
25 | main() {
| ^
| int
conftest.c:29:4: error: call to undeclared library function 'exit' with type 'void (int) __attribute__((n
oreturn))'; ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Wimplicit-function-declarat
29 | exit(0);
| ^
conftest.c:29:4: note: include the header <stdlib.h> or explicitly provide a declaration for 'exit'
skeleton so far:
main() {
should be:
#include <stdlib.h>
int main() {