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[#] Wed Jun 19 2024 20:52:39 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Backup database culling

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I'm trying to use the "cull" sendcommand but when it runs it gets a
error about the command not being found. Any ideas on this?

Hmm, that documentation might be out of date. The CULL command no longer functions.

The best strategy here is to let the server automatically delete committed database logs. Put it on a filesystem that allows snapshots (btrfs, zfs, etc) and back up a snapshot every night.

[#] Thu Jun 20 2024 08:56:42 UTC from cjonline

Subject: Re: spamassassin - debian

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I see.. however, every message I get (including all messages I would class as spam, ie fishing emails etc) they dont seem to be getting caught.

Wed Jun 19 2024 16:50:24 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: spamassassin - debian
<> X-Spam-Level: *** X-Spam-Status: False,
score=3.0 required=5.0     # Set the threshold at which a message
is considered spam (default: 5.0) # # required_score 5.0  

In your example, the message has a spam score of 3.0, but it needs a score of at least 5.0 to be considered spam.

That's why it set "X-Spam-Status: False".

If you have Citadel configured to "Flag spam instead of rejecting it" you'll still receive that message, but you can configure it to be redirected or rejected in your inbox rules. But it's not going to do anything for a message that isn't considered spam.


[#] Tue Jun 25 2024 00:36:32 UTC from kdv666

Subject: New installation, can't log out?

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I've only just first-time installed Citadel on Debian 12, using Docker.  Many thanks to all those who work on this great software.

All is fine so far, except ...

When I logged into my own server, I created an ordinary user with name and p/w.  Then I logged out and logged in as admin.  Also no problem.

But when I try to log out as admin so that I can go back to the ordinary user, I hit "Log in again", and it just takes me straight back to "logged in as admin" — there is no opportunity to enter the other credentials.

Am I doing something wrong?  I've read the FAQ and Docs ... can't find any help.


[#] Tue Jun 25 2024 11:26:53 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: New installation, can't log out?

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No expert here, but id try incognito mode in the browser.  to me it sounds like something is being cached.

[#] Wed Jun 26 2024 00:37:03 UTC from kdv666

Subject: Re: New installation, can't log out?

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Many thanks for the suggestion, you're right.  I'll have to try to see why that's happening!  Regards.


[#] Wed Jun 26 2024 07:44:49 UTC from Mike1700

Subject: Re: LDAP and OPENID

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Thu Jun 13 2024 00:12:30 EDT from nickb Subject: Re: LDAP and OPENID


Mon Jun 10 2024 09:22:42 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: LDAP and OPENID
I am running Debian 12, do you know if OPENID is still supported
and what libraries LDAP requires so that the modules are built
during the easy setup process?

OpenID isn't supported anymore, no one was using it and it was becoming a burden to maintain. In the future we are likely to add OAuth and/or SAML because that seems to be what the world is using now.

LDAP is fully supported in every build. If you have Citadel you have LDAP.


Mr. Foobar and Support Team,

If LDAP is fully supported, how do you get rid of the message, "NOTE: This Citadel server has been built without LDAP support. These options will have no effect." 

Please also not that my install was partially executed and that i had to manually add some of the "systemctl services"

How do I ENABLE the LDAP support?

I am on debian bookworm.

On a fresh install i am using this

apt install build-essential curl g++ gettext shared-mime-info libssl-dev slapd ldap-utils libical-dev libstdc++6

together with the easy-install script.

Might be too much but is doing the job.



[#] Wed Jun 26 2024 07:50:57 UTC from Mike1700

Subject: How to access the admin user with ldap activated

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Im on Debian bookworm ( fresh installed )

A fresh install with

apt install build-essential curl g++ gettext shared-mime-info libssl-dev slapd ldap-utils libical-dev libstdc++6

and the easy-install script ends with a working citadel server.

All domain user are pulled in and accessable, BUT not the build in admin user.

So how do i access the bulid in admin user ?

[#] Fri Jun 28 2024 05:06:35 UTC from kdv666

Subject: citadel install hangs

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Hello. I've installed Citadel on a Debian 12 VPS using the EasyIntall process.  All the compilations, etc, seemed to go without a problem.  Eventually, it got to "Restarting Citadel server to apply changes",

which was followed by a line of dots which were replaced by * as the procedure advanced.

When it got to four dots from the end, however, everything hangs.  It just sits there, with the last 4 dots unmoving.  Eventually, I broke out with a ctrl-C, and ran citadel setup manually, but exactly the same thing happened.

I should add that I accepted all the defaults for the questions that were asked by the setup process, as they seemed reasonable.

All the required ports are open.

I'd appreciate some advice.

Thank you to all those who have put in so much hard work on this project!


[#] Fri Jun 28 2024 22:52:29 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: ALL Citadel servers have LDAP. Ignore the warning message.

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If LDAP is fully supported, how do you get rid of the message,
"NOTE: This Citadel server has been built without LDAP support.
These options will have no effect." 

All right, I just went in to see what the heck is going on with this issue, and here is what I found:

You may IGNORE the message that says "Citadel has been built without LDAP support." There is no such thing. That message displays even if you have a working LDAP setup.

We will work on getting that spurious message removed. In the mean time, the workaround is to ignore it.

Thank you for all of the reports.

[#] Sat Jun 29 2024 02:46:57 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: ALL Citadel servers have LDAP. Ignore the warning message.

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And to make things a little easier ... we have updated the published Citadel distribution to version 1001, which is now available in source distribution, Docker container, and Easy Install.

There's not much new in this version except for the removal of the erroneous "Citadel has been built without LDAP support" message. Also, the option to switch from self-contained authentication to LDAP authentication has been moved from the "Access" tab to the "Directory" tab. This seems to make a little more sense.

[#] Sun Jun 30 2024 11:33:21 UTC from Ernstl

Subject: Website: Broken link to feature list

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I just visited the Citadel website and found that a link on the website (to the feature list) is broken.

It seems important for new visitors and potential users to be able to find out about the features of Citadel.

From the Web Archive, this link seems broken for a while now.

Link goes to:

Showing this at the destination:

I went back several years and last time this link worked was in 2019:

Suggestion is to fix the broken link.

All the best,

[#] Sun Jun 30 2024 11:34:50 UTC from Ernstl

Subject: Re: Website: Broken link to feature list

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... excuse me, 2020.

I guess just the link URL needs to be updated.

All the best,

[#] Sun Jun 30 2024 15:19:37 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Website: Broken link to feature list

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

Thanks for the heads up, we will fix that!

[#] Tue Jul 09 2024 19:52:37 UTC from user

Subject: Edit a mail in "Drafts" of "My folders"

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]


Is it possible to edit a mail in "Drafts" under "My folders"?


[#] Sat Jul 20 2024 11:01:39 UTC from Tumblefluff

Subject: Minor Privacy Upgrade.

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I didn't like that general users can see the host location of other visitors. So I made a change (TestUser001 is a non-admin testing account).

Here's the file and location of what you need to edit

- /usr/local/webcit/static/t/who/section.html
- or - /usr/local/webcit/local.static/t/who/section.html

Here's the contents of the file that rendered the above screenshot.

<tr class="<?ITERATE:ODDEVEN>">
  <td class="edit_col">
    <??("COND:AIDE", 1)><??("WHO:ISME", 2)>
      <a href="terminate_session?which_session=<?WHO:SESSION>?template=who" onClick="return ConfirmKill();"><?_("(kill)")></a>&nbsp;
      (<a href="display_edituser?username=<?WHO:NAME("U")>&edit_config_button=Edit+configuration&nonce=<?NONCE>"><?_("Edit configuration")></a>)&nbsp;
      (<a href="display_edituser?username=<?WHO:NAME("U")>&edit_abe_button=Edit+address+book+entry"><?_("Edit address book entry")></a>)
    <??("X", 2)><??("X", 1)>
  <!-- link to page this user -->
  <td><a href="display_page?recp=<?WHO:NAME("X")>">
    <img src="static/webcit_icons/essen/16x16/chat.png" alt="(p)" title="chat"></a>
|  </td>
  <!-- idle flag -->
    <?!("WHO:IDLE", 4)>
      <img align="middle" src="static/webcit_icons/essen/16x16/user.png" alt="(<?_("idle since")>s <?WHO:IDLESINCE> <?_("Minutes")>)" title="(<?_("idle since")>s <?WHO:IDLESINCE> <?_("Minutes")>)">
      <?!("X", 4)>
    <??("WHO:IDLE", 5)>
      <img align="middle" src="static/webcit_icons/essen/16x16/activeuser.png" alt="(<?_("active")>)">
      <?!("X", 5)>
  <!-- username (link to user bio/photo page) -->
    <a href="do_template?template=user_show?who=<?WHO:NAME("U")>"><?WHO:NAME("X")></a>
    <??("WHO:NSESSIONS", 6, 1)>[<?WHO:NSESSIONS>]<?!("X", 6)>\
  <!-- room -->
    <?!("WHO:REALROOM", 7)>
    <br><i> <?WHO:REALROOM("X")> </i>
    <?!("X", 7)>
  <!-- hostname -->
  <td class="host_col">
    <??("COND:AIDE", 1)><??("WHO:ISME", 2)>
      <?!("WHO:REALHOST", 8)><br><i> <?WHO:REALHOST("X")></i>
      <?!("X", 8)>
    <??("X", 2)><??("X", 1)>

The red lines of code are the lines that were added.


Redacting information for the safety of my visitors. 👍


- Tumblefluff the Squirrel

[#] Sat Jul 20 2024 23:43:44 UTC from MarisaG

Subject: Clearing the log files?

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I have a server that seems to be keeping the logs forever, and keeps running out of space. How do I force it to remove the logs once they are committed?


[#] Sat Jul 20 2024 23:57:29 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Clearing the log files?

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

Would be better posting this over in the support room, will be more likely to be seen. ( and no, i dont have the answer )

Sat Jul 20 2024 19:43:44 EDT from MarisaG Subject: Clearing the log files?

I have a server that seems to be keeping the logs forever, and keeps running out of space. How do I force it to remove the logs once they are committed?



[#] Sun Jul 21 2024 00:02:41 UTC from MarisaG

Subject: Re: Clearing the log files?

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

Oops! Meant to do that!

[#] Sun Jul 21 2024 00:03:38 UTC from MarisaG

Subject: How to clear the log files?

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

I have a server that seems to be keeping the logs forever, and keeps running out of space. How do I force it to remove the logs once they are committed?


[#] Sun Jul 21 2024 13:57:05 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: How to clear the log files?

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There is a system setting called "Automatically delete committed database logs" in your global configuration. You can change it from WebCit (administration screen) or from the text client (.Admin System-configuration General). Set it to "Yes" to make Citadel Server purge database log files that are no longer needed.

This is also the default setting.

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