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[#] Mon Jun 10 2024 09:35:26 UTC from nickb

Subject: LDAP and OPENID

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I am running Debian 12, do you know if OPENID is still supported and what libraries LDAP requires so that the modules are built during the easy setup process?

I would like like to run both OpenID and LDAP but see very limited support.

[#] Mon Jun 10 2024 09:40:35 UTC from nickb

Subject: Re: LDAP and OPENID

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Mon Jun 10 2024 05:35:26 EDT from nickb Subject: LDAP and OPENID

I am running Debian 12, do you know if OPENID is still supported and what libraries LDAP requires so that the modules are built during the easy setup process?

I would like like to run both OpenID and LDAP but see very limited support.

What i actually need to know is what dependencies do I need to pre-load so that the easy install script will recognize the OpenID and LDAP need to build those modules. This is for Linux/Debian 12

[#] Mon Jun 10 2024 12:50:59 UTC from linuxisthebom

Subject: SSL Setup with Letsencrypt

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New to this support Forum, looking for search.
Need help on SSL letsencrypt. Domain on server is registered with letsencrypt

[#] Mon Jun 10 2024 13:21:04 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Usernames

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Is there any way I can get my username changed here?

Sure, send me a private message with your desired new name and use it next time you log in.

[#] Mon Jun 10 2024 13:22:42 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: LDAP and OPENID

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I am running Debian 12, do you know if OPENID is still supported
and what libraries LDAP requires so that the modules are built
during the easy setup process?

OpenID isn't supported anymore, no one was using it and it was becoming a burden to maintain. In the future we are likely to add OAuth and/or SAML because that seems to be what the world is using now.

LDAP is fully supported in every build. If you have Citadel you have LDAP.

[#] Mon Jun 10 2024 17:30:57 UTC from beislhur

Subject: Citadel logging

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how is citadel (SMTP, IMAP, ...) logging configured? Files, loglevel?



[#] Tue Jun 11 2024 03:09:25 UTC from nickb

Subject: Re: LDAP and OPENID

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Mon Jun 10 2024 05:35:26 EDT from nickb Subject: LDAP and OPENID

I am running Debian 12, do you know if OPENID is still supported and what libraries LDAP requires so that the modules are built during the easy setup process?

I would like like to run both OpenID and LDAP but see very limited support.

What i actually need to know is what dependencies do I need to pre-load so that the easy install script will recognize the OpenID and LDAP need to build those modules. This is for Linux/Debian 12

[#] Tue Jun 11 2024 03:26:21 UTC from nickb

Subject: Configure the LDAP connector

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How do i configure the LDAP connector?

I have added the following packages and dependacies

sudo apt-get install "libnss-ldap"

The LIBNSS-LDAP on Linux/Debian 12



[#] Tue Jun 11 2024 06:58:30 UTC from MarisaG

Subject: Re: Problems with SSL certificates.

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Im having similar issues...

[#] Tue Jun 11 2024 07:00:36 UTC from MarisaG

Subject: Re: Cant get the DKIM conffig working....

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Sat Jun 08 2024 16:05:31 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: Cant get the DKIM conffig working....

When I try and paste it into my DNS manager I get a error about it being too long. I think only 1024 bit signing works and it looks like you are creating 2048? My 1024 bit keys work fine...

1024 bit keys are deprecated by a lot of places now.  Sending an email signed by a 1024 bit key is almost as undesirable as not signing it at all.  I would definitely suggest finding out how to get the longer string into your DNS manager instead of trying to figure out how to get Citadel to generate a shorter key.

Here's a Server Fault article where people are discussing the same topic:


Ok I will ask my dns provider,

[#] Tue Jun 11 2024 18:01:21 UTC from nickb

Subject: Re: LDAP and OPENID

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Mon Jun 10 2024 05:35:26 EDT from nickb Subject: LDAP and OPENID

I am running Debian 12, do you know if OPENID is still supported and what libraries LDAP requires so that the modules are built during the easy setup process?

I would like like to run both OpenID and LDAP but see very limited support.

What i actually need to know is what dependencies do I need to pre-load so that the easy install script will recognize the OpenID and LDAP need to build those modules. This is for Linux/Debian 12

[#] Tue Jun 11 2024 18:07:01 UTC from nickb

Subject: Re: LDAP and OPENID

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Mon Jun 10 2024 09:22:42 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: LDAP and OPENID
I am running Debian 12, do you know if OPENID is still supported
and what libraries LDAP requires so that the modules are built
during the easy setup process?

OpenID isn't supported anymore, no one was using it and it was becoming a burden to maintain. In the future we are likely to add OAuth and/or SAML because that seems to be what the world is using now.

LDAP is fully supported in every build. If you have Citadel you have LDAP.


Mr. Foobar and Support Team,

If LDAP is fully supported, how do you get rid of the message, "NOTE: This Citadel server has been built without LDAP support. These options will have no effect." 

Please also not that my install was partially executed and that i had to manually add some of the "systemctl services"

How do I ENABLE the LDAP support?

[#] Wed Jun 12 2024 20:55:04 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: LDAP and OPENID

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If LDAP is fully supported, how do you get rid of the message,
"NOTE: This Citadel server has been built without LDAP support.
These options will have no effect." 

Did you build Citadel from source, instead of using the containerized version or the Easy Install script?

If so, you'll need to install "libldap2-dev" (on debian or ubuntu like systems) or "openldap-devel" (on redhat like systems) before building Citadel.

Then when you do "ldd /usr/local/citadel/citserver" you should see a line like this: => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007fd963922000)

If you have all that and you still aren't offered the LDAP configuration options, then something else might be wrong.

[#] Wed Jun 12 2024 20:57:52 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: SSL Setup with Letsencrypt

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Need help on SSL letsencrypt. Domain on server is registered
with letsencrypt

RTFM here:

[#] Thu Jun 13 2024 04:12:30 UTC from nickb

Subject: Re: LDAP and OPENID

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Mon Jun 10 2024 09:22:42 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: LDAP and OPENID
I am running Debian 12, do you know if OPENID is still supported
and what libraries LDAP requires so that the modules are built
during the easy setup process?

OpenID isn't supported anymore, no one was using it and it was becoming a burden to maintain. In the future we are likely to add OAuth and/or SAML because that seems to be what the world is using now.

LDAP is fully supported in every build. If you have Citadel you have LDAP.


Mr. Foobar and Support Team,

If LDAP is fully supported, how do you get rid of the message, "NOTE: This Citadel server has been built without LDAP support. These options will have no effect." 

Please also not that my install was partially executed and that i had to manually add some of the "systemctl services"

How do I ENABLE the LDAP support?

[#] Thu Jun 13 2024 06:33:52 UTC from nickb

Subject: Citadel Server Setup reconfigure

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Is it possible to RECONFIGURE a Citadel Server once you install the libldap2-dev libraries for LDAP support?

Is it best to go with the source code or easy setup or docker?

I am not sure why I am getting the BUILT WITHOUT LDAP SUPPORT message.

Please advise on other options that I may try. I am willing to do a complete FRESH install.



[#] Fri Jun 14 2024 07:03:58 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Spamassassin/Citadel problem

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Dear All,

I installed Spamassassin and configured in Citadel.

See here my Logwatch of yesterday:


Mail Recipients:
  (unknown) :   79 clean,     1 spam
    Total Clean:    79 ( 99%)
    Total Spam:      1 (  1%)
Top 10 Spam Relays:
  : 1 Time(s)
"still running as root" error: 80 time(s)
Child-related errors
  spamd: cannot send SIGINT to child process [___]: No such process: 1 Time(s)


[#] Sat Jun 15 2024 14:54:16 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Citadel Server Setup reconfigure

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Is it possible to RECONFIGURE a Citadel Server once you install the libldap2-dev libraries for LDAP support?

If you used Easy Install, delete /usr/local/ctdlsupport/*.sum and run Easy Install again.

Or just use the container version of Citadel and all the LDAP support is built in for you.

[#] Sat Jun 15 2024 14:57:31 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Spamassassin/Citadel problem

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In the default configuration, when SpamAssassin identifies a message as spam, Citadel rejects it.  We believe that this is superior to filing it in a spam folder because when there is a false positive, the sender will receive a bounce and will know what happened.

If you want to change this behavior, there is an option on your Administration screen "Flag spam instead of deleting it" which will simply set the X-Spam-Status header, and this allows you to create an inbox filter rule to handle it as you wish.

[#] Mon Jun 17 2024 06:59:43 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Is this correct? I do not know how to test if SPAM.

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