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[#] Sun May 19 2024 16:35:33 UTC from luisgo

Subject: DKIM in Citadel

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Dear All,

I want to put DKIM in my emails.

In the faqs page for DKIM there is this setting:

  # specify what address/port DKIMproxy forwards mail to
  relay     put_your_ISPs_smtp_server_here:25

Can I put here:

relay myemaildomain:25


Which the relay is the Citadel email server.


Luis Gonçalves.

[#] Sun May 19 2024 17:34:57 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Re: DKIM in Citadel

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

I have my own VPS.

[#] Sun May 19 2024 17:55:35 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: DKIM in Citadel

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this would be better over in the support room i think. 

[#] Sun May 19 2024 23:52:15 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: DKIM in Citadel

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

I want to put DKIM in my emails.

In the faqs page for DKIM there is this setting: # specify what
address/port DKIMproxy forwards mail to relay

Oh my goodness! Serendipity is a wonderful thing.

It just so happens that we *just* released a new version of Citadel a couple of days ago that has DKIM Signing BUILT IN! Thank you for pointing out that outdated documentation article.

Please see for the new instructions. You will need to be running the latest Citadel Server to have this functionality.

[#] Mon May 20 2024 09:53:59 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Citadel 1000

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

Dear All,

I installed Citadel 1000 with Easy Install.

I did not find where to put the private key of DKIM.

Some help needed.


Luis Gonçalves

[#] Mon May 20 2024 11:01:26 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Citadel 1000

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

It goes on your DNS record.

Mon May 20 2024 05:53:59 EDT from luisgo Subject: Citadel 1000

Dear All,

I installed Citadel 1000 with Easy Install.

I did not find where to put the private key of DKIM.

Some help needed.


Luis Gonçalves


[#] Mon May 20 2024 19:07:10 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Citadel 1000

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

It goes on your DNS record.

Correct. So you'll already have A and/or AAAA records to help the world locate your servers. You'll have MX records to indicate where your domain receives mail.

You'll be adding TXT records for SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. Tutorials can be found all over the Internet. Your DNS provider might even have a helpful page. The contents of your DKIM record, including the public key, will be posted by the Citadel Aide for you to copy into the DNS settings.

[#] Tue May 21 2024 08:17:32 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Re: Citadel 1000

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

I have DKIM and DMARC working with my present Email server and DNS. Also with SSL.

I want to migrate to Citadel. In my present Email server I can configure with a DKIM Private Key and the selector.

Where I find that in Citadel?

[#] Tue May 21 2024 13:13:01 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Citadel 1000

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

I want to migrate to Citadel. In my present Email server I can
configure with a DKIM Private Key and the selector.

Where I find that in Citadel?

Read through that ... it will explain that Citadel generates the Key and Selector automatically, and then posts the generated DKIM record in the "Aide" room. All you have to do is copy that record to your DNS.

[#] Tue May 21 2024 18:37:25 UTC from luisgo

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]


[#] Tue May 21 2024 20:07:12 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Re: Citadel 1000

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

Sorry, again.

I am trying this with localhost in virtualized Centos 9 in Oracle VirtualBox. (before installing in the server itself)

I put my domain and it did not appear the public key in the Room Aide.

How I induce Citadel to create the keys? 


[#] Sat May 18 2024 07:16:44 CEST from Citadel <>

Subject: User Creation Notice

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Move] [Delete] [Headers] [Print]

New user account <admin> has been created, from host [].
[#] Sat May 18 2024 09:37:20 CEST from Citadel <>

Subject: Citadel Configuration Manager Message

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Move] [Delete] [Headers] [Print]

The global system configuration has been edited by admin.
[#] Sat May 18 2024 09:45:08 CEST from Citadel <>

Subject: Citadel Configuration Manager Message

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Move] [Delete] [Headers] [Print]

The global system configuration has been edited by admin.
[#] Sat May 18 2024 09:56:07 CEST from Citadel <>

Subject: Room Creation Message

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Move] [Delete] [Headers] [Print]

A new room called "Importante" has been created by admin [personal] [private]
[#] Tue May 21 2024 21:46:16 CEST from Citadel <>

Subject: Citadel Configuration Manager Message

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Move] [Delete] [Headers] [Print]

The global system configuration has been edited by admin.

[#] Tue May 21 2024 21:56:15 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Citadel 1000

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

I am trying this with localhost in virtualized Centos 9 in Oracle
VirtualBox. (before installing in the server itself)

I put my domain and it did not appear the public key in the Room

What version of Citadel Server are you running?

[#] Wed May 22 2024 07:17:37 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Re: Citadel 1000

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

I installed with EasyInstall some days ago.


About this server
You are connected to Citadel Server
Running: Citadel Server 1000 with WebCit 1000
Server Build: 1000
Location: (null)
System Administrator: admin

[#] Wed May 22 2024 11:14:39 UTC from adamsfour

Subject: support

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

I am very impressed with the server so far but find the lack of customer support unacceptable. Why have a support page if no one ever reads or responds. I see a number of request for help, including mine, go unanswered.


[#] Wed May 22 2024 11:22:45 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: support

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

Its a small team, that are giving you this system for free, on their personal time.  Patience is a virtue.

Wed May 22 2024 07:14:39 EDT from adamsfour Subject: support

I am very impressed with the server so far but find the lack of customer support unacceptable. Why have a support page if no one ever reads or responds. I see a number of request for help, including mine, go unanswered.



[#] Wed May 22 2024 18:18:30 UTC from luisgo

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

Could you please answer this thread?

See previous messages reproduced below.




>>I want to migrate to Citadel. In my present Email server I can

>>configure with a DKIM Private Key and the selector.


>>Where I find that in Citadel?


Read through that ... it will explain that Citadel generates the Key and Selector 

automatically, and then posts the generated DKIM record in the "Aide" room.

All you have to do is copy that record to your DNS.






Sorry, again.



I am trying this with localhost in virtualized Centos 9 in Oracle VirtualBox. (before installing in the server itself)


I put my domain and it did not appear the public key in the Room Aide.


How I induce Citadel to create the keys? 




[#] Sat May 18 2024 07:16:44 CEST from Citadel <>

Subject: User Creation Notice[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Move] [Delete] [Headers] [Print]

New user account <admin> has been created, from host [].

[#] Sat May 18 2024 09:37:20 CEST from Citadel <>

Subject: Citadel Configuration Manager Message[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Move] [Delete] [Headers] [Print]

The global system configuration has been edited by admin.

[#] Sat May 18 2024 09:45:08 CEST from Citadel <>

Subject: Citadel Configuration Manager Message[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Move] [Delete] [Headers] [Print]

The global system configuration has been edited by admin.

[#] Sat May 18 2024 09:56:07 CEST from Citadel <>

Subject: Room Creation Message[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Move] [Delete] [Headers] [Print]

A new room called "Importante" has been created by admin [personal] [private]

[#] Tue May 21 2024 21:46:16 CEST from Citadel <>

Subject: Citadel Configuration Manager Message[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Move] [Delete] [Headers] [Print]

The global system configuration has been edited by admin.






I am trying this with localhost in virtualized Centos 9 in Oracle

VirtualBox. (before installing in the server itself)


I put my domain and it did not appear the public key in the Room





What version of Citadel Server are you running?





I installed with EasyInstall some days ago.



About this server

You are connected to Citadel Server

Running: Citadel Server 1000 with WebCit 1000

Server Build: 1000

Location: (null)

System Administrator: admin


[#] Thu May 23 2024 02:39:42 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: support

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

I am very impressed with the server so far but find the lack of customer support unacceptable. Why have a support page if no one ever reads or responds. I see a number of request for help, including mine, go unanswered.

You might have gone wrong when you assumed that you are a customer and that this is a business whose job is to serve you.  This is an independent open source project run by volunteers.  You might find some help at

I assure you we are keeping up with requests for help as best as we can.  Sometimes it takes a while, and yes, sometimes you have to ask a second time.

[#] Thu May 23 2024 02:43:47 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Citadel 1000

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

Sorry, again.

I am trying this with localhost in virtualized Centos 9 in Oracle VirtualBox. (before installing in the server itself)

I put my domain and it did not appear the public key in the Room Aide.

How I induce Citadel to create the keys? 

Hmm.  You might try editing your domain configuration.  Administration --> Domain Names and Internet Mail Configuration, and then just add another local host alias.  It can be something bogus, you're just trying to get the server to recognize a change.  Restart the Citadel Server and see if it generates a key for you.

If that works, please let us know.  Because that would tell us that there are situations where it doesn't detect that it needs to do something, and we'll have to fix that.  Please remember that this feature is brand new so it may require some small adjustments.

[#] Thu May 23 2024 02:47:09 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Can't send email

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

 just installed and I am receiving emails without issue but can't send.

I added my domain name Fully qualified domain name and local host alias (then restarted) but still not working. I assume its a configuration issue. I noticed that when I try to send it still uses my @raspberrypi and not my domain name

Try editing your user account, if it was created before the domain name change.

You probably have the email address of the account set to "username@raspberrypi" or something like that.  When you add/change/remove valid domain names for your server, it doesn't go back and rewrite all of the account emails, because in most cases that's not the right thing to do.  In your case it would have been convenient to do that, but it has no way of knowing.

[#] Thu May 23 2024 02:52:43 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: 2 Questions

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Any recommendations on SMART Hosts that is no google so that the sender appears under my domain and not the External SMTP Servers Domain?

If you're using gmail as a smart host, then yes it's going to do that.

You might try Twilio SendGrid.  I haven't used it myself but I've heard good things about that.

You might also try using a Static IP VPN that will place your Citadel Server into a "good neighborhood" with controllable static IP and reverse DNS, and then you can set things up to deliver directly without a smart host.  (This is what is using, by the way.  The server is running in a residential environment but has a Static IP VPN.)

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