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[#] Tue Aug 29 2023 22:54:15 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Just a quick update: the database continues to be far more reliable than in the previous version, and y'all are going to love it. However, it exposed a bug in the full text indexer, which we are working out now.

The next version will drop soon, and you're gonna love it!

[#] Wed Aug 30 2023 13:48:07 EDT from LadySerenaKitty

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Full text search is a nice-to-has, disable it for release and RELEASE.

Also make sure it builds/workses on FreeBSD.

Tue Aug 29 2023 22:54:15 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Just a quick update: the database continues to be far more reliable than in the previous version, and y'all are going to love it. However, it exposed a bug in the full text indexer, which we are working out now.

The next version will drop soon, and you're gonna love it!


[#] Wed Aug 30 2023 17:30:25 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Full text search is a nice-to-has, disable it for release and

You know I can't do that. It will break some important workflow at some site that depends on it. I cannot in good conscience release software that is incomplete or has known defects.

The good news is that the indexer isn't locking up anymore when combined with the new and more robust database layer. There is just some cleanup work to do. And yes, I am testing it on FreeBSD.

[#] Wed Aug 30 2023 20:09:20 EDT from nonservator

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Search works in so few places these days that it would be an even bigger shame not to have it work in Citadel.

[#] Thu Aug 31 2023 00:27:24 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Citadel also uses its search index to do things like email address autocompletion.

Anyway, it's finished so we don't have to worry about it. The code is more simple, too, eliminating the index cache because modern systems are going to mmap the relevant parts of the database anyway.

All that's left to do is tune it up on FreeBSD, because Kitty asked nicely and needs this soon.

[#] Thu Aug 31 2023 01:07:55 EDT from LadySerenaKitty

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Thu Aug 31 2023 00:27:24 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

All that's left to do is tune it up on FreeBSD, because Kitty asked nicely and needs this soon.


[#] Thu Aug 31 2023 10:00:33 EDT from Nurb432

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What about 9Front?

( just kidding )

Thu Aug 31 2023 12:27:24 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Citadel also uses its search index to do things like email address autocompletion.

Anyway, it's finished so we don't have to worry about it. The code is more simple, too, eliminating the index cache because modern systems are going to mmap the relevant parts of the database anyway.

All that's left to do is tune it up on FreeBSD, because Kitty asked nicely and needs this soon.


[#] Fri Sep 01 2023 16:42:31 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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What about 9Front?

You do the work :)

I like the 9front web site though. I especially like how their "code of conduct" is Asimov's three laws of robotics. It's *almost* as awesome as Citadel's CoC.

[#] Sun Sep 03 2023 21:21:18 EDT from LadySerenaKitty

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So ... I'm at a friend's place and I saw what webcit is doing with unauthenticated users.  All rooms just use the mailbox view, if you select another view and then try to go to a different page, it just reverts to mailbox view.

Thought y'all should know.

[#] Mon Sep 04 2023 06:52:46 EDT from Nurb432

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i could be wrong ,but would it not default to what the last person used before the current?

Sun Sep 03 2023 21:21:18 EDT from LadySerenaKitty

So ... I'm at a friend's place and I saw what webcit is doing with unauthenticated users.  All rooms just use the mailbox view, if you select another view and then try to go to a different page, it just reverts to mailbox view.

Thought y'all should know.


[#] Tue Sep 05 2023 20:12:26 EDT from cd

Subject: Creating server with https

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I followed instructions here:


but my server doesn't have https working (I know I need let's encrypt, but I'm starting with the basics for now). One thing that I didn't see was a webcit keys directory in usr/local/webcit. Do you know if that is why the server is only http, or is there something else to do?



[#] Tue Sep 05 2023 22:02:26 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Creating server with https

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but my server doesn't have https working (I know I need let's
encrypt, but I'm starting with the basics for now). One thing that I
didn't see was a webcit keys directory in usr/local/webcit. Do you
know if that is why the server is only http, or is there something
else to do?

Hmm, that seems to be an old document. The one you want is here:

[ ]

Sorry for the confusion.

[#] Wed Sep 06 2023 19:58:29 EDT from jt

Subject: Unable to delete messages

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I hope I'm in the right place.

I have Citadel working well. However, I am totally unable to delete mail from any room within Webcit. I think I may have clicked something so as not to allow Webcit to prompt me to confirm deletions.

I really would rather not have to reinstall!

Many thanks

[#] Fri Sep 08 2023 14:30:58 EDT from LoanShark

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One of the advantage of moving to an SQL backend like Postgres is that it would do full-text indexing for you, possibly better than a home-grown solution (e.g. built-in support for stopword and thesaurus etc)

[#] Fri Sep 08 2023 17:51:13 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Unable to delete messages

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I have Citadel working well. However, I am totally unable to delete
mail from any room within Webcit. I think I may have clicked
something so as not to allow Webcit to prompt me to confirm

Are you trying do delete messages from your account's own mailboxes or from "public" (forum) rooms?

The latter is only possible if you are logged in as an administrator.

There is also a setting "allow anyone who can post messages to delete" which can be set on a per-room basis.

[#] Fri Sep 08 2023 18:02:38 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Unable to delete messages

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I dont think he wants to delete he wants to mark as read, and its not working like it did for me in the GUI, after the purger went sideways.

[#] Fri Sep 08 2023 18:03:27 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Unable to delete messages

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Nevermind. delete this ( no pun )..  i was thinking the wrong post

I should go to bed.

Fri Sep 08 2023 18:02:38 EDT from Nurb432 Subject: Re: Unable to delete messages

I dont think he wants to delete he wants to mark as read, and its not working like it did for me in the GUI, after the purger went sideways.


[#] Fri Sep 08 2023 18:06:36 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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One of the advantage of moving to an SQL backend like Postgres is that

it would do full-text indexing for you, possibly better than a

True. We would have to consider that carefully though, because it would create a dependency. I know that our current indexer is sort of naive. It gets the job done, but it's not ultra-sophisticated. I suppose we could go to "you don't get indexing unless you use so-and-so backend" if we get to that point.

And that's the issue in general with the whole SQL database thing: how to keep supporting the thousands of existing Citadel installations that are currently running the Berkeley DB back end while developing features that require a SQL back end. It isn't going to be easy.

That doesn't mean I'm not willing to do it, but it is -- as they say in business jargon -- "a big lift".

[#] Fri Sep 08 2023 18:13:31 EDT from s3cr3to to Citadel_Support <>

Subject: Re: Unable to delete messages

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Many browsers (firefox, chrome) can save protection settings for each site; like allowing or disallowing pop-ups and so on.
Maybe this is your case and you should delete/reset those settings for the webcit page.
In firefox I don't remember if it is from the shield icon next to the URL.
In chrome it is the padlock and "Site settings".
You can try from different browsers to check if the problem is only with your current browser.

On 9/6/23 16:58, jt wrote:

I hope I'm in the right place.

I have Citadel working well. However, I am totally unable to delete mail from any room within Webcit. I think I may have clicked something so as not to allow Webcit to prompt me to confirm deletions.

I really would rather not have to reinstall!

Many thanks

[#] Tue Sep 12 2023 11:29:56 EDT from LoanShark

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And that's the issue in general with the whole SQL database thing: how

to keep supporting the thousands of existing Citadel installations that

are currently running the Berkeley DB back end while developing
features that require a SQL back end. It isn't going to be easy.

Yeah. "Just throwing it out there", really.

There has been some talk about moving Citadel to SQL lately, and two different design approaches have been floated. One approach would allow fulltext indexing, the other, not so much.

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