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[#] Mon Sep 30 2013 18:54:34 UTC from Sig

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We are on track to exceed our record September rainfall. This is something of an achievement in western Washington state.

[#] Sat Oct 05 2013 22:56:21 UTC from zooer

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I like how I have a "Calendar" room for all my English appointments and a "calendario prova" for all my Italian

[#] Sat Oct 05 2013 22:59:50 UTC from Sig

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Oct 5 2013 6:56pm from zooer
I like how I have a "Calendar" room for all my English appointments and
a "calendario prova" for all my Italian

Interestingly, I also now have a calendario prova room with your appointments.

[#] Sat Oct 05 2013 23:12:08 UTC from zooer

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It has been there a while, I saw it with the ";k" command but couldn't test it with the text-client. I just
logged in from the web interface, saw it and tried it out. I think it must be a public calendar. I thought
someone created it as they were passing through.

[#] Sat Oct 05 2013 23:17:25 UTC from zooer

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When you create a new room from the web interface the default room type is a public calendar. I didn't look
around enough to see who the other one was created by. My guess is someone from Italy.

[#] Sat Oct 05 2013 23:58:12 UTC from zooer

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You can delete "Zooer's wonderful calendar room" as well. 

A public calendar is the default setting for the new room command.

[#] Sun Oct 06 2013 05:27:05 UTC from Ahff Rowe

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Greetings everyone, I'm here for my annual check-in.

I've been somewhat fortunate to have not died in a car fire at any time in the last 365 days.

[#] Sun Oct 06 2013 15:11:49 UTC from Sig

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Don't worry: today is a new day, with wonderful new opportunities to die in a car fire.

[#] Sun Oct 06 2013 17:19:46 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Just this morning, I died in a car fire three different times! So then I had breakfast at Milliways. Imagine what the afternoon will bring!

[#] Sun Oct 06 2013 17:41:53 UTC from zooer

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Greetings everyone, I'm here for my annual check-in.

WAIT WAIT WAIT... I want to ask .... damn he is gone. It will have to wait until next year.

[#] Sun Oct 06 2013 19:38:03 UTC from Ahff Rowe

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If you can tolerate a delayed response, go ahead!

[#] Mon Oct 07 2013 04:22:30 UTC from ax25

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Hell, my brother just died in a car fire this morning.  We skipped lunch, but brunch tomorrow will consist of toast.

[#] Mon Oct 07 2013 07:12:38 UTC from Ahff Rowe

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Dying in car fires can really get expensive.

[#] Mon Oct 07 2013 14:45:07 UTC from athos-mn

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If you die in a car fire and come back, can you collect your own life insurance?

[#] Tue Oct 08 2013 01:33:10 UTC from LoanShark

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I spent a year dying in a car fire for tax purposes. Lemme tell ya, it was hot in there.

[#] Thu Oct 10 2013 12:03:17 UTC from zooer

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*** There are no new messages in this room.

[#] Thu Oct 10 2013 20:32:29 UTC from zooer

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Attaching to server...

Don't get too attached.

[#] Fri Oct 11 2013 05:29:49 UTC from Animal

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[#] Fri Oct 11 2013 17:50:47 UTC from athos-mn

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Right now I wouldn't mind the entire world getting roasted in a car fire. 

[#] Fri Oct 11 2013 21:05:46 UTC from fleeb

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Kind of reminds you of Fallout 3, no?

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