"Sometimes Big Jim would park his camper in a remote area, throw in an Air Supply 8-track, and replay in his mind where it all went wrong."
"They are not dolls they are action figures!!!!!"
Ohhh John, you gotta meet that girl Ono, she's got HUGE tracts of land.
"I can count to ten. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10. See my fingers? That's how high I can count. When I do the vamp section of 'Hey Jude' and it goes on for an hour, it's because I lost count of how many times we did it."
Oh wow a bar exam... I didn't have to do that when I was a bar tender.
"♪♪ Head... shoulders, knees and toes! ♪♪"
Wed Feb 24 2021 10:59:31 EST from zooer
Caption this!
When the government tries to do something to help the people... or more aptly PRETENDS to try to do something...
- Tumblefluff the Squirrel
Caption this
- Tumblefluff the Squirrel
♫♫ "Fat bottomed squirrels you make the rockin' world go 'round!" ♫♫