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[#] Fri Oct 18 2013 04:21:54 UTC from ax25

Subject: Thoughts on Apple

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Steve Jobs - the last interview.  Interesting interview.  I don't hate him quite as much after seeing that.  Still think he is not as complex as some folks makes him out to be, but not as evil.  It takes place in 1990 when he was at Next and having to "wing" it.  I think his "easy to use paradigm" (given his age and the computer tech at the time), I feel that he miss-judged ease of use with flexibility.  I think the Raspberry Pi is less forcing the end user in to a you have to wait for someone to write the application you need, and more of a you can just try out existing bits and glue together something you write to come up with something new.  He even mentions the innovations that came out of the home-brew computer club in the way of having some semi-common computer platform and leapfrogging ideas, but he did not see that fact.  He made the Apple and Apple II and saw the ecosystem and pooped on it while at Next.  even in the interview he wishes the schools would have adopted the Mac sooner.  I was a Sinclair guy at the time, but I envied the folks that could afford the Apple II's of the day and hack expansion boards that were sold.  I could hack the TS-1000 some (i.e. add a joystick port, blink an LED and some simple things), but things died for the TS-1000 / 2068 too soon and the PC market took off.

Just my retro thoughts from having watched that interview just now.

[#] Fri Oct 18 2013 11:45:15 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Thoughts on Apple

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The technical genius of early Apple can be summed up in one word:


[#] Fri Oct 18 2013 14:42:42 UTC from zooer

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Woz was the technical guy, Jobs was the marketing guy.

[#] Tue Oct 22 2013 03:09:14 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Exactly. The point is that Jobs should not be revered as an idol of the computer world; he was really just good at selling stuff he didn't invent.

[#] Tue Oct 22 2013 14:43:32 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Isn't that what executives/evangelists/CEOs are actually supposed to do?

[#] Wed Oct 23 2013 11:53:57 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yes, it is. That's one reason I don't really have any problem with guys like Larry Ellison (asshole extrordinaire, and good for him, he's done his job well).

I have a problem with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, who were really just pitchmen, painting themselves as if they were visionary technologists, true-blooded geeks who were just so good at it that everyone had to be like them.

[#] Fri Oct 25 2013 03:49:20 UTC from vince-q

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Bill Gates was little more than a fourth-rate thief that snuck out the back door one night in the 1970s with Harvard Basic on punch-cards of the Hollerith variety in a few shoeboxes, reworked it very superficially wherein it reappeared being "licensed" to Tandy/Shadio-Rack as Microsoft Basic Level One for the TRS-80. And from that point the rest is "messed up history."

As in - MSDOS really being CP/M with the good stuff stripped out because His Idiotness just could not see the importance of a multi-user operating system.

And "WinBlowz" being stolen from so many different sources it boggles the mind (and requires ANCESTRY.COM) to trace the multi-lineage path of larceny.

If ***any*** of us did, in our professional and/or amateur relationship to computers and what makes them tick, did anything even ***close*** to the things perpetrated by that unminitigated asshole, we would be in **jail**.

And yet Mickey$lop is a publicly traded company...

Yeah, life's fair.
And I'm the Pope...

[#] Fri Oct 25 2013 04:31:46 UTC from ax25

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Bill Gates had some breaks along the way

It does not hurt to have well placed parents to help you along the way.

[#] Fri Oct 25 2013 05:25:56 UTC from vince-q

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Oct 25 2013 12:31am from ax25 @uncnsrd
Bill Gates had some breaks along the way

Yeah. He was never prosecuted or sued for the theft of Harvard Basic.

[#] Fri Oct 25 2013 16:46:14 UTC from LoanShark

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And I'm the Pope...

Fumata Bianca, bitches.

[#] Mon Oct 28 2013 07:01:07 UTC from the8088er

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Does anyone have any expeirence with ancient IBM RS/6000 machines? I have an original POWER1 that I'm trying to spin up (I don't know why) but it's putting me through unimaginable hell.

[#] Mon Oct 28 2013 08:59:26 UTC from dothebart

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well, have some of them rotting in my cellar, but they're broken as well.

[#] Tue Oct 29 2013 17:05:56 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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It's pretty well understood that despite the well-funded PR spin story that Gary Kildall blew off IBM and lost his opportunity to sell a CP/M license to IBM, what really happened was that Bill Hitler Gates had the inside track because his mom greased the skids for him.

[#] Tue Oct 29 2013 17:07:43 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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And I'm the Pope...

Sure, why not? As a non-Catholic I have no loyalty to the dude in Rome, and a whole lot more respect for you than I do for him, so let's go with it.

[#] Wed Oct 30 2013 04:27:39 UTC from the8088er

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Do they have working SCSI cards? :-P

[#] Wed Oct 30 2013 13:32:53 UTC from zooer

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I think they are called communion wafers.

[#] Wed Oct 30 2013 20:36:18 UTC from fleeb

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Not to be confused with communication wafers, as I did.

[#] Wed Oct 30 2013 20:48:20 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Those are made of silicon and they are to "die" for. haha

[#] Thu Oct 31 2013 01:43:03 UTC from the8088er

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At the risk of jinxing it and having it fail, one of my four POWERstation 7012-32H's is currently formatting/certifying a Seagate 2 GB disk.

I tried with a 4 GB disk, which succeeded, except that it showed up as a ~200 MB drive afterwards.

[#] Thu Oct 31 2013 07:56:43 UTC from the8088er

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Against all odds I initated this telnet session from my RS/6000.

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