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[#] Wed Nov 13 2024 14:22:30 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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We don't call them naps anymore, they are now "horizontal life pauses"

[#] Fri Dec 06 2024 05:37:09 UTC from Jayce

Subject: Cars & freedom

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You don't have the freedom to not buy a car. You cannot realistically live life without a car. And the law -- specifically zoning laws -- are set up to force this. Are you a property developer? Want to build retail property? Then you have to have a parking lot. By law. Want to build retail property that doesn't have a parking lot, and is pedestrian friendly? Sorry, but for over 90% of suburban and rural areas that is against the law. So everybody builds parking lots. Which makes everything more spread out by about 10x. Which means you have to drive if you want groceries. Which means you have to spend money on a car.

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