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[#] Sun Jan 24 2021 13:29:22 EST from zooer

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[#] Sun Jan 24 2021 13:45:20 EST from Nurb432

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Biased, ya, but at least its the actual text.



Sun Jan 24 2021 13:29:22 EST from zooer


[#] Mon Jan 25 2021 12:33:35 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Political Compass was created by libertarians and is just a tad
biased, but crude and retarded a tool as it is, can still be a good

I assume you're talking about the Nolan chart?

Obviously it was designed to demonstrate that most people have libertarian tendencies and either didn't know it or won't admit it. Ironically, the "Libertarian Party" (shame on them for continuing to use that name) is now firmly in the bottom left quadrant.

I've mentioned before, but we have some newer folks here -- it was Gary Johnson who made me stop voting LP, with his support of carbon taxes and lopsided trade deals and praise of Hitlery Clinton. That ain't libertarian.

[#] Mon Jan 25 2021 12:37:30 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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I think aligning the Conservative economic Right with the Moral Right
was a mistake. It put a huge emphasis on gay rights and abortion

Yeah. That was the early 1990s and the over-reaching of the religious right, who claimed that you were a satan-worshipper if you played Dungeons & Dragons or Magic: the Gathering. Even far-leftoids like Tipper Gore got on board with her attempt to censor music lyrics (fortunately they only got as far as labels on records).

There was no room for reasonable people. I wonder if it was a deliberate effort to alienate people.

[#] Mon Jan 25 2021 13:31:55 EST from zooer

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Mon Jan 25 2021 12:33:35 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
 it was Gary Johnson who made me stop voting LP, 

When Gary pleaded with the Bernie supporters and ask for their vote I gave up on the Libertarian party.

I still consider myself libertarian, but I don't have any faith in them.

[#] Mon Jan 25 2021 15:18:23 EST from Nurb432

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I gave up on parties long ago. 

They are either worthless, or evil. 

Mon Jan 25 2021 13:31:55 EST from zooer


Mon Jan 25 2021 12:33:35 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
 it was Gary Johnson who made me stop voting LP, 

When Gary pleaded with the Bernie supporters and ask for their vote I gave up on the Libertarian party.

I still consider myself libertarian, but I don't have any faith in them.


[#] Mon Jan 25 2021 23:15:27 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Quick poll:

Should we divest Hawaii from the United States? Maybe give it to Japan or something?

Sound off.

[#] Tue Jan 26 2021 10:31:19 EST from Nurb432

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I think its of strategic value due to its location. 

Mon Jan 25 2021 23:15:27 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

Quick poll:

Should we divest Hawaii from the United States? Maybe give it to Japan or something?

Sound off.


[#] Tue Jan 26 2021 11:52:41 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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It certainly seems well planned. I've had endless arguments on if this is intentional, conspiratorial evil - or if it is just organic, natural evolution with a particular friend. I tend to be more the misanthrope than he is... so you can imagine which way we lean on the split. 

Also, it amazes me that the Democrats tend to assume that the PMRC was a Religious Right wing thing. 

Nope. Al's wife... not Bundy. Gore. 


Mon Jan 25 2021 12:37:30 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
I think aligning the Conservative economic Right with the Moral Right
was a mistake. It put a huge emphasis on gay rights and abortion

Yeah. That was the early 1990s and the over-reaching of the religious right, who claimed that you were a satan-worshipper if you played Dungeons & Dragons or Magic: the Gathering. Even far-leftoids like Tipper Gore got on board with her attempt to censor music lyrics (fortunately they only got as far as labels on records).

There was no room for reasonable people. I wonder if it was a deliberate effort to alienate people.


[#] Wed Jan 27 2021 06:15:55 EST from Nurb432

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Sometimes, even evil is organic. We are talking human nature after all.

Tue Jan 26 2021 11:52:41 EST from ParanoidDelusions

It certainly seems well planned. I've had endless arguments on if this is intentional, conspiratorial evil - or if it is just organic, natural evolution with a particular friend. I tend to be more the misanthrope than he is... so you can imagine which way we lean on the split. 

Also, it amazes me that the Democrats tend to assume that the PMRC was a Religious Right wing thing. 

Nope. Al's wife... not Bundy. Gore. 



[#] Wed Jan 27 2021 13:00:51 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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I don't think good and evil applies to natural law. The lion preys on the ill, old, weak and young. It is simply the natural order. The lion is not evil. 
It is also a mistake to think of it as "bad/good" and "evil/just"... 

Because sometimes evil is just and mercy is unjust. 

Human morality tends toward black and white, binary concepts. Reality doesn't care about our morality. 


Wed Jan 27 2021 06:15:55 EST from Nurb432

Sometimes, even evil is organic. We are talking human nature after all.

Tue Jan 26 2021 11:52:41 EST from ParanoidDelusions


[#] Thu Jan 28 2021 09:58:44 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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"I saw you at a Nazi rally... therefore, you are a Nazi." Social Credit comes to America.

Here is the problem - and we know it. Science knows it. 

Conservatives are less likely to be influenced by ideological differences to avoid a merchant and withhold their patronage. Being conservatives - we're more likely to weigh in things like convenience, price, and other factors in deciding what the best economic decision is. 

Liberals are more likely to weigh ideology and shared values over price, convenience, quality and other factors in choosing the merchants, retailers, and service providers they do business with. They're more tribal - which is why virtue signaling is such an important factor of their cultural habits. 

Therefore - the alternative, "We just do the same thing back to them," doesn't work. Not because of the perception that the Left leaning merchants offer the best things... Target, Starbucks, CostCo...

And note - it doesn't even matter if they are actually Left leaning or not they simply have to virtue signal that they agree, and not do anything disagreeable (which, not being racist, not being sexist, not being homophobic - it isn't hard to FAKE being on their side when all you want is their transactions with your company...) 

In an ideal world, this woman would lose her job, and there would be conservative companies beating down her door to offer her a job of equal pay and equal prestige - and she wouldn't be abusing that - she wouldn't be blaming Parlor and Gab when really those were used as an excuse to let go an inferior employee. We would have a network, a good-ol-boys-and-girls club - that would circle its wagons around conservative values and we could create our own economy, our own circuit, our own pool of all the things they have in place.

But strategically, we're beat. Conservative values regarding "life isn't fair, you have to pick yourself up from injustices, dust yourself off, and self-actualize your own recovery..." Our own values of independence and self-accountability prevent us from having the collective strength that Liberals have. I can't get Ben Shapiro or the Cautious Conservative or the Daily Caller or any of the well known Right Wing platforms or publishers or celebrities to give me a nod, to give me a break, to hire me on. I link to my past articles and reach out to them. Most of them ignore me. The few who contact me back suggest "write a blog, start a podcast, build your own empire. That is what I did..." 

I understand that they're just showing conservative values. But an outspoken, snarky tech journalist cancelled by the Left Media because he is conservative - should be picked up by the Right Media immediately. Those who run the Right Leaning media sites should *welcome* getting that kind of previous experience and expanding their media reach outside of just politics into technology. But they're myopic... and *conservative*. 

It is why we're losing. We do not have the tribal unity with one another that Liberal Democrats do. Not coincidentally, maybe - I saw this kind of collective unity among white Catholics (who tend to lean Left) in Ohio. Our ideas about capitalism and the free market and competition are our liability here. We need to see ourselves as incorporated, instead of independent individuals making it on their own - otherwise, Liberalism becomes the WalMart of political ideologies - and most people shop there because it is easy and convenient and reliable and has a commodity of scale - and the right, operating as a loose community of like-minded mom-and-pop stores, slowly goes out of business 1 by 1, until there is only WalMart left. 


[#] Thu Jan 28 2021 10:11:32 EST from zooer

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Here is my answer to the "you must be evil if you were at the Trump rally" issue.  OF course, it is a bit outdated.

In 197 there was a Who concert at Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati, Ohio.  It was open seating, people rushed in when the doors were opened and several people were trampled to death.  Would you blame everyone at the concert for those deaths?  Of course not.  Many people at the concert had no idea people were killed.  They just wanted to see the band.

It is the same idea with the rally in DC, many people were at the rally and had nothing to do with the shitheads that stormed the capital.

[#] Thu Jan 28 2021 11:22:09 EST from Nurb432

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"we" would not.  But today's media, would. 

I remember that happening, i'm glad i didnt go. I had actually considered it.   But it was the end of festival seating across the country.  Due to a single incident after thousands of events with no issue.. 

Thu Jan 28 2021 10:11:32 EST from zooer

Here is my answer to the "you must be evil if you were at the Trump rally" issue.  OF course, it is a bit outdated.

In 197 there was a Who concert at Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati, Ohio.  It was open seating, people rushed in when the doors were opened and several people were trampled to death.  Would you blame everyone at the concert for those deaths?  Of course not.  Many people at the concert had no idea people were killed.  They just wanted to see the band.

It is the same idea with the rally in DC, many people were at the rally and had nothing to do with the shitheads that stormed the capital.


[#] Thu Jan 28 2021 11:42:38 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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I've been to lots of festival seating concerts in California - which is weird, that California resisted adopting festival seating - at HUGE stadium monster shows. 

I just took it as more evidence that the hippies really WERE kind of stupid. My generation wasn't going to get crushed running to be able to be right up against the barriers overheating at a rock show. You just get in where you show up, and worm your way to the front if you want to be up front. Spending the entire show at the front is a good way to end up with heat stroke. 


Thu Jan 28 2021 11:22:09 EST from Nurb432

"we" would not.  But today's media, would. 

I remember that happening, i'm glad i didnt go. I had actually considered it.   But it was the end of festival seating across the country.  Due to a single incident after thousands of events with no issue.. 

Thu Jan 28 2021 10:11:32 EST from zooer

Here is my answer to the "you must be evil if you were at the Trump rally" issue.  OF course, it is a bit outdated.

In 197 there was a Who concert at Riverfront Coliseum in Cincinnati, Ohio.  It was open seating, people rushed in when the doors were opened and several people were trampled to death.  Would you blame everyone at the concert for those deaths?  Of course not.  Many people at the concert had no idea people were killed.  They just wanted to see the band.

It is the same idea with the rally in DC, many people were at the rally and had nothing to do with the shitheads that stormed the capital.



[#] Fri Jan 29 2021 09:24:58 EST from Nurb432

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I'm sorry, but if you are that stupid, and thought that some random meme from a guy you dont know telling you to text votes was correct, perhaps your vote should not count in the first place.

[#] Fri Jan 29 2021 10:53:28 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Jesus. Here it comes. 


Fri Jan 29 2021 09:24:58 EST from Nurb432

I'm sorry, but if you are that stupid, and thought that some random meme from a guy you dont know telling you to text votes was correct, perhaps your vote should not count in the first place.


[#] Fri Jan 29 2021 14:02:08 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Here is my answer to the "you must be evil if you were at the Trump
rally" issue.  OF course, it is a bit outdated.

Here's the fatal flaw of conservatism: it makes sense and is understood by smart people.

Socialism/leftism appeals to stupid people. And there is no shortage of stupid people.

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