Ah yes, the Lutheran songbook, where you get a choice of Bach, or ... Bach. (Attempts at modern P&W music are occasionally made, but you can't spell "Baloche" without the letters B-A-C-H.)
Hi everyone! I needed a break from work, so I tried reading through the lobby but had to give up because my break time is all used up now. But just wanted to say hi.
Thanks IG! I'm nott scared that easily...unless someone shows me a picture
of myself in high school...yikes!
Wow, I am late to the Back in Bach joke. I thought ELO tried to be a combo of classical and rock music.
Happy Birthday to all the birthday people out there today.
and a special Happy to all the uncensored users that have a birthday today.
and a special Happy to all the uncensored users that have a birthday today.
Why, thank you, Zoo!
Welcome to the NutHouse, MJ! Keep an eye out for the Lunatic wielding macaroni.....