Hi everyone. I screwed up an upgrade today, and it erased a bunch of stuff, so I had to restore a backup of Uncensored from this morning. Sorry for the inconvenience. This is totally Facebook's fault and Mark Zuckerberg should be summarily and painfully executed. Thank you and have a happy everything.
I installed the citadel packages and its working, but if I try to login from the webpage with the admin-account and passwort nothing happend. after a few clicks the please wait image is there.
Has anyone ever tried passwort? I mean, it sounds disgusting, using feces to create beer or whisky, and extracting the liquid from that process, but someone brought it up, so...?
Fröhliche Weihnachten euch allen!
Source: http://s1.b3ta.com/host/creative/55979/1513252929/xmassilhouette.jpg
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us here at the Foobar home. As my Christmas gift to all of you I've just installled a new version of Citadel that, if I did everything correctly, nobody will notice because it's all under-the-covers changes. :)
By the way ... Uncensored turns 30 years old on March 10, 2018. I hope you guys are planning a big birthday party.
A Happy New Year to you too. Preferably without any of the requisite car fires!
Tue Dec 26 2017 10:33:40 PM EST from IGnatius T FoobarBy the way ... Uncensored turns 30 years old on March 10, 2018. I hope you guys are planning a big birthday party.\
We are... your house, your beer, your food.