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[#] Sun Nov 24 2024 01:43:35 UTC from zelgomer

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2024-11-23 19:39 from Nurb432 <>
Bored. Watching a video about making hidden rooms to keep thieves at

I've seriously thought of doing that. The RSCs they sell as "safes" are worthless. Only problem is that I doubt I'm handy enough to make it not stand out like a sore thumb.

[#] Sun Nov 24 2024 11:52:58 UTC from Nurb432

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This was a "bookcase door" so it stood out anyway.  But didn't scream "door".   It also opened from the bottom, to throw them off too.


Sun Nov 24 2024 01:43:35 UTC from zelgomer
2024-11-23 19:39 from Nurb432 <>
Bored. Watching a video about making hidden rooms to keep thieves at

I've seriously thought of doing that. The RSCs they sell as "safes" are worthless. Only problem is that I doubt I'm handy enough to make it not stand out like a sore thumb.


[#] Mon Nov 25 2024 17:46:01 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Hidden rooms

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I've seriously thought of doing that. The RSCs they sell as "safes"

are worthless. Only problem is that I doubt I'm handy enough to make it

not stand out like a sore thumb.

Back when my father was being investigated by the cops I hid all my not-so-legal stuff under an old pile of hay. It stood under it over a year. Best hideout ever: everybody knows it is the obvious place but moving the hay out for searching would have taken a day. I know because it took me a day XD Bonus points because the pile was at a location to which you could not carry heavy machinery to move it all.

If I were hidding very bad stuff I would just dig a hole in a nearby corn field or something and just bury it there.

[#] Tue Nov 26 2024 18:23:03 UTC from Nurb432

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15 kHz "coil whine" back when we still had tube TVs. Often times i could hear it down the street.   Kids today will never know.

Every so often i hear it now, but no clue why. I wonder if someone has an old TV near by... ( why i even thought of it a little bit ago ... 'ring'... then gone )

[#] Wed Nov 27 2024 19:19:23 UTC from zelgomer

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2024-11-26 18:23 from Nurb432 <>
15 kHz "coil whine" back when we still had tube TVs. Often times i
could hear it down the street.   Kids today will never know.

A lot of adults will never know, either. I remember being a kid and we had a tv where i could hear it, but nobody else in my family could.

[#] Tue Dec 17 2024 03:11:21 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Hidden rooms

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Back when my father was being investigated by the cops I hid all my
not-so-legal stuff under an old pile of hay.

Easy win: get a safe, make sure it's the kind that can be easily bypassed by a thief or the government (as if there were a difference), throw a small amount of money and pseudo-valuables in it ... and then put your real valuables and/or contraband in a box under the floor or something.

[#] Tue Dec 17 2024 16:52:31 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Re: Hidden rooms

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2024-12-17 03:11 from IGnatius T Foobar
Subject: Re: Hidden rooms
Back when my father was being investigated by the cops I hid all my

not-so-legal stuff under an old pile of hay.

Easy win: get a safe, make sure it's the kind that can be easily
bypassed by a thief or the government (as if there were a difference),

throw a small amount of money and pseudo-valuables in it ... and then

put your real valuables and/or contraband in a box under the floor or


What real gansta's do is to hide their stuff in some ruined building nobody lays a claim on. There are plenty to pick around here.

[#] Tue Jan 07 2025 18:50:11 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: The "most improved" award

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So there was this guy named Jon Oringer who was a big nuisance round the 914 BBS scene in the late 1980s. Lots of mudslinging in every direction.
He showed up here many years later and we all had some great laughs about how chaotic things were back in those days.

Turns out he ended up being New York's first tech billionaire. He was the CEO of Shutterstock. And today there was an announcement that Getty Images is acquiring Shutterstock, so I guess he's a zillionaire now. Good for him!

I was having coffee with another old friend from the 914 scene a few weeks ago and he said that he thinks one reason online culture was so much more tolerable then, despite it being more chaotic, was that it was the domain of the gentry. I think he may be right.

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