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[#] Sat Feb 08 2025 16:38:30 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Welcome back SCG!

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Well I've decided to come back after getting sick of being
kicked out of IRC channels by vile, vulgar, libertarian ops. I'm

Seriously, from the bottom of my heart, welcome back, and you are sincerely and truly appreciated here.

This community isn't big enough to lose people over silly little things, and so (without taking sides) I ask everyone to be respectful of each other.

[#] Sat Feb 08 2025 21:12:53 UTC from SamuraiCrow

Subject: Welcome back SouthernComputerGeek!

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Greetings SouthernComputerGeek! You say you're a social conservative? I left the Republican party because they were mealy-mouthed moderates. I've since joined the Constitution party. [ ] is the URL IIRC, typing from memory. Maybe I'll see you in the politics room.

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