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[#] Thu Feb 13 2025 14:48:57 UTC from Harvey

Subject: Re: First Room

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Thu Feb 13 2025 14:21:50 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: First Room
where can i define, wich room will displayed for a unregistered user ? 

Are you looking to select the landing page/room for a user who hasn't logged in yet? That is a command line option for WebCit (and it can be used in the command line options for the container as well, if you're using that). Basically you're going to supply the "-g" option to either the container or WebCit followed by the URL within the system that you want it to land on. So you could go to a room, or list users or show who is online or whatever.

For example:

webcit [other options] -g "/dotgoto?My Welcome Room"

You might have noticed we have that set up here. We used a Wiki room to have the most flexibility in creating the experience for unregistered users.

Yes, thats it :) 

A Landing Page, best in Wiki style like here. In Germany i need to place special Links on it for privacy policy and imprint. It must be reachable directly from the Landingpage. Stupid, but its the law here :)


Thanks for your help


[#] Thu Feb 13 2025 23:25:06 UTC from Harvey

Subject: Re: First Room

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Thu Feb 13 2025 14:48:57 UTC from Harvey Subject: Re: First Room


Thu Feb 13 2025 14:21:50 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: First Room
where can i define, wich room will displayed for a unregistered user ? 

Are you looking to select the landing page/room for a user who hasn't logged in yet? That is a command line option for WebCit (and it can be used in the command line options for the container as well, if you're using that). Basically you're going to supply the "-g" option to either the container or WebCit followed by the URL within the system that you want it to land on. So you could go to a room, or list users or show who is online or whatever.

For example:

webcit [other options] -g "/dotgoto?My Welcome Room"

You might have noticed we have that set up here. We used a Wiki room to have the most flexibility in creating the experience for unregistered users.

Yes, thats it :) 

A Landing Page, best in Wiki style like here. In Germany i need to place special Links on it for privacy policy and imprint. It must be reachable directly from the Landingpage. Stupid, but its the law here :)


Thanks for your help


You mean on bash


/usr/local/webcit/ and then ./webcit ?? -g "/dotgoto?My Welcome Room" ?

What you mean with [other options] ?




[#] Thu Feb 13 2025 23:38:47 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: First Room

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What you mean with [other options] ?

WebCit is normally called with options to specify the port number it's listening on, whether to enable HTTPS, and the directory where Citadel Server can be found.

For example, here are the commands we are using to start WebCit here:

webcit -x1 -s -p 443 -g /dotgoto?room='Welcome to UNCENSORED!' uds /citadel-data
webcit -x1 -p 80 -g /dotgoto?room='Welcome to UNCENSORED!' uds /citadel-data

(Most sites will have two, one for HTTP and one for HTTPS, but if you have Citadel sitting behind a proxy or if you have some other webserver redirecting HTTP to HTTPS you might only have one.)

[#] Tue Feb 18 2025 16:56:29 UTC from MichelV

Subject: citadel crashed when

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There is a problem when I try to make a rule for moving emails with the X-Spam-Status: True header to the spam folder, citadel crashes. Restarting the citadel.service service does not help, it crashes again. I have to restore everything from the backup again. Restoring only the database does not help, I have to rewrite the entire /usr/local/citadel directory. Has anyone had similar cases? How to fix it? I'm tired of constantly losing emails. My server is on Orange Pi 5 4GB, Debian 11 ARM64 OS

[#] Tue Feb 18 2025 18:40:13 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: citadel crashed when

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That sounds like something we've fixed recently. What version of Citadel Server are you running? Also can you send a stack trace?

[#] Wed Feb 19 2025 08:29:21 UTC from MichelV

Subject: Re: citadel crashed when

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$ file /usr/local/citadel/citserver
/usr/local/citadel/citserver: ELF 64-bit LSB pie executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/, BuildID[sha1]=116b0efcfd50697924880cf1089992ea8332ba57, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, with debug_info, not stripped

Running: Citadel Server 1001 with WebCit 1009
Server Build: 1001

How to get a stack trace?

[#] Wed Feb 19 2025 13:50:37 UTC from MichelV

Subject: Re: citadel crashed when

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Today I was run "curl | bash". After 5 minutes citadel.service failed, I try to restart and after few seconds fail again! (((((((((((((((((((((((( I restored again from morning backup

[#] Wed Feb 19 2025 18:45:05 UTC from MichelV

Subject: Re: citadel crashed when

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I found the problem, but did not find the solution. When updating citadel, only webcit is updated, but the database and the server itself are not updated. Accordingly, when restoring the server from a backup, the server and DB version are 1001, after starting the update, the server and DB are updated and an error occurs with the database files and the service crashes. Why is the database not converted during the update?

Also, for testing purposes, I installed citadel on a new server and loaded the DB dump, after which there is also a failure. I noticed that on the old server, the dump is made with the utility from the DB version 1001, and on the new server, the dump is loaded for the DB version 1009, and errors about damaged records pour in. After the dump is loaded, the citadel service starts and I can log in as a regular user, a user with administrative rights cannot log in, an incorrect password error occurs. And if you restart the reinstallation after this via easyinstall, everything crashes into an error.

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