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[#] Mon May 30 2022 18:34:58 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar


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These words, I do not fucking understand them.

[#] Fri Jun 03 2022 09:52:08 EDT from nonservator


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something blah blah context

[#] Fri Jun 03 2022 12:38:00 EDT from Nurb432

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******* *************** ************* ************ !!!!!!

I don't ******* get the point of this ******* room.

[#] Sun Jul 14 2024 11:42:44 EDT from Nurb432

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*********  ************ ***************** ************** !

Sun Jul 14 2024 11:37:33 EDT from Biden's last brain cell

I don't ******* get the point of this ******* room.


[#] Sat Jul 20 2024 03:12:08 EDT from Tumblefluff

Subject: On the topic of censoring...

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I didn't like that general users can see the host location of other visitors.  So I made a change (TestUser001 is a non-admin testing account... NOtice that the host column is blank, but on for KC, who's an Admin, it shows).

Here's the file and location of what you need to edit
 - /usr/local/webcit/static/t/who/section.html

Here's the contents of the file that rendered the above screenshot.

<tr class="<?ITERATE:ODDEVEN>">

<td class="edit_col">

<??("COND:AIDE", 1)><??("WHO:ISME", 2)>

 <a href="terminate_session?which_session=<?WHO:SESSION>?template=who" onClick="return ConfirmKill();"><?_("(kill)")></a>&nbsp;

(<a href="display_edituser?username=<?WHO:NAME("U")>&edit_config_button=Edit+configuration&nonce=<?NONCE>"><?_("Edit configuration")></a>)&nbsp;

(<a href="display_edituser?username=<?WHO:NAME("U")>&edit_abe_button=Edit+address+book+entry"><?_("Edit address book entry")></a>)

<??("X", 2)><??("X", 1)>


<!-- link to page this user -->

<td><a href="display_page?recp=<?WHO:NAME("X")>">

<img src="static/webcit_icons/essen/16x16/chat.png" alt="(p)" title="chat"></a> 


<!-- idle flag -->


<?!("WHO:IDLE", 4)>

<img align="middle" src="static/webcit_icons/essen/16x16/user.png" alt="(<?_("idle since")>s <?WHO:IDLESINCE> <?_("Minutes")>)" title="(<?_("idle since")>s <?WHO:IDLESINCE> <?_("Minutes")>)">

<?!("X", 4)>

<??("WHO:IDLE", 5)>

<img align="middle" src="static/webcit_icons/essen/16x16/activeuser.png" alt="(<?_("active")>)">

<?!("X", 5)>


<!--  username (link to user bio/photo page)  -->


<a href="do_template?template=user_show?who=<?WHO:NAME("U")>"><?WHO:NAME("X")></a>

<??("WHO:NSESSIONS", 6, 1)>[<?WHO:NSESSIONS>]<?!("X", 6)>


<!-- room -->



<?!("WHO:REALROOM", 7)>

<br><i>  <?WHO:REALROOM("X")>  </i>

<?!("X", 7)>


<!-- hostname -->

<td class="host_col">

<??("COND:AIDE", 1)><??("WHO:ISME", 2)>


<?!("WHO:REALHOST", 8)><br><i> <?WHO:REALHOST("X")></i>

<?!("X", 8)>

<??("X", 2)><??("X", 1)>



The red lines of code are the lines that were added.


Redacting information for the safety of my visitors. 👍

- Tumblefluff the Squirrel

[#] Sat Jul 20 2024 03:31:53 EDT from Tumblefluff

Subject: Re: On the topic of censoring...

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

Here's the Admin's View

- Tumblefluff the Squirrel

[#] Sat Jul 20 2024 04:13:22 EDT from Tumblefluff

[Reply] [ReplyQuoted] [Headers] [Print]

I didn't like that general users can see the host location of other visitors.  So I made a change (TestUser001 is a non-admin testing account).

Here's the file and location of what you need to edit

 - /usr/local/webcit/static/t/who/section.html
 - or - /usr/local/webcit/local.static/t/who/section.html 

Here's the contents of the file that rendered the above screenshot.

<tr class="<?ITERATE:ODDEVEN>">
<td class="edit_col">
<??("COND:AIDE", 1)><??("WHO:ISME", 2)>
 <a href="terminate_session?which_session=<?WHO:SESSION>?template=who" onClick="return ConfirmKill();"><?_("(kill)")></a>&nbsp;
(<a href="display_edituser?username=<?WHO:NAME("U")>&edit_config_button=Edit+configuration&nonce=<?NONCE>"><?_("Edit configuration")></a>)&nbsp;
(<a href="display_edituser?username=<?WHO:NAME("U")>&edit_abe_button=Edit+address+book+entry"><?_("Edit address book entry")></a>)
<??("X", 2)><??("X", 1)>
<!-- link to page this user -->
<td><a href="display_page?recp=<?WHO:NAME("X")>">
<img src="static/webcit_icons/essen/16x16/chat.png" alt="(p)" title="chat"></a> 
<!-- idle flag -->
<?!("WHO:IDLE", 4)>
<img align="middle" src="static/webcit_icons/essen/16x16/user.png" alt="(<?_("idle since")>s <?WHO:IDLESINCE> <?_("Minutes")>)" title="(<?_("idle since")>s <?WHO:IDLESINCE> <?_("Minutes")>)">
<?!("X", 4)>
<??("WHO:IDLE", 5)>
<img align="middle" src="static/webcit_icons/essen/16x16/activeuser.png" alt="(<?_("active")>)">
<?!("X", 5)>
<!--  username (link to user bio/photo page)  -->
<a href="do_template?template=user_show?who=<?WHO:NAME("U")>"><?WHO:NAME("X")></a>
<??("WHO:NSESSIONS", 6, 1)>[<?WHO:NSESSIONS>]<?!("X", 6)>\
<!-- room -->
<?!("WHO:REALROOM", 7)>
<br><i>  <?WHO:REALROOM("X")>  </i>
<?!("X", 7)>
<!-- hostname -->
<td class="host_col">
<??("COND:AIDE", 1)><??("WHO:ISME", 2)>
<?!("WHO:REALHOST", 8)><br><i> <?WHO:REALHOST("X")></i>
<?!("X", 8)>
<??("X", 2)><??("X", 1)>

The red lines of code are the lines that were added.


Redacting information for the safety of my visitors. 👍

- Tumblefluff the Squirrel

[#] Wed Aug 14 2024 17:11:02 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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There are too many ******* and we should ***** them all.

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