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[#] Sat Dec 24 2016 20:18:28 UTC from mo

Subject: Re: Never!

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Fri Dec 23 2016 11:05:10 EST from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: Never!

Of course, right now if I want a steak I have to clear the snow off my grill.

Don't tell me the roof has been blown off your kitchen? OMG!! :S



[#] Tue Jan 03 2017 20:29:58 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Never!

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Well yes, that does happen; I frequently turn on the gas and then wait for the kitchen to fill up with gas before lighting it. It tends to explode the room. But I also have never quite gotten the hang of cooking a steak anywhere other than an outdoor grill.

[#] Fri Mar 10 2017 19:35:36 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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A round of drinks and a toast to Uncensored on its 29th birthday please!

[#] Fri Mar 10 2017 19:51:22 UTC from zooer

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You didn't get me a round of drinks for my birthday.

[#] Wed Mar 15 2017 15:34:50 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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You're not a 29 year old BBS.

[#] Thu Mar 16 2017 16:08:04 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Fri Mar 10 2017 02:35:36 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
A round of drinks and a toast to Uncensored on its 29th birthday please!

B&B for the room!

[#] Thu Mar 16 2017 16:22:05 UTC from zooer

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Wed Mar 15 2017 11:34:50 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

You're not a 29 year old BBS.

I am a 29 year old BSer.

[#] Wed Mar 22 2017 21:08:40 UTC from mo

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Thu Mar 16 2017 12:22:05 EDT from zooer


Wed Mar 15 2017 11:34:50 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

You're not a 29 year old BBS.

I am a 29 year old BSer.

I'm a 40-something BSer! :)

I can't believe i missed the party! Not by much - so: Happy Birthday Uncensored!! :D

Can't wait till next year, you should throw a big party for everyone IG, !! (??)


[#] Wed Mar 29 2017 17:21:26 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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If you want to make the trip across the pond, I'll have a party. I'll even cook up Philly cheesesteaks for zooer :)

[#] Sat Apr 22 2017 17:26:14 UTC from mo

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Send out the invitations! Put a big bold mark on the calendar! Warn you neighbours! hey - have a heart - invite Hilary! :)  we'll drown her sorrows in beer!!
[[ [C [3~[3~[3~ [C [ COF Oher sorows in beer and old Russian folk songs!

[#] Sat Apr 22 2017 17:28:08 UTC from mo

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[#] Tue May 02 2017 01:48:57 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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You know, she actually lives not far from here. I can open my pool early next year for a drowning if you insist. :) And we'll have plenty of beer and Russian folk songs. Then we can eay Philly cheesesteaks and argue about the correct way to fold your toilet paper. Later there will be fireworks and we can round out the evening by pissing all over the neighbor's lawn.
Or the neighbors themselves.

[#] Wed May 03 2017 16:11:15 UTC from mo

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We'll slip a few Irish folksongs in too then. Just to be politically correct - Hillary would approve, i wonder if she can hold a note when she's drunk?


What all this about folding your toilet paper? Can't you afford proper napkins? (or is this something to do with that mythical philly cheesesteak?


[#] Thu May 04 2017 00:57:01 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Many *many* years ago there was a long-running discussion here about whether it is better to fold or crumple your toilet paper. This does not apply to Sheryl Crow, of course. She isn't welcome here.

It was an epic discussion that went on way too long, and silly me didn't archive it.

[#] Thu May 04 2017 19:10:17 UTC from mo

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Dang! Thats sounds cutting edge stuff!


[#] Thu May 04 2017 19:12:50 UTC from mo

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Whats the deal with Cheryl? I know  all she wants do do is have some fun, and likes " a beer buzz first thing in the morning... "

Hey i'm booking Cheryl Crow, this pub needs more nthan a jukebox on a saturday night!

[#] Tue May 09 2017 16:57:04 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Ok, but make sure you hit her with the pressure washer before she comes inside.
She doesn't believe in using toilet paper because she thinks it causes global warming. (I shit you not [pun intended])

[#] Tue May 09 2017 18:08:17 UTC from mo

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ahemm! Have you ever thought of using, erm soap n water instead of a bit of paper? ;)


Hey we'll get her to wash her hands before we shake on it ok! :D


[#] Fri May 19 2017 02:20:49 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yeesh. I witnessed way too much alcohol consumption and inappropriate behavior tonight.

Apparently you can take the boy out of the frat but you can't take the frat out of the boy.

[#] Tue Oct 22 2019 04:31:21 UTC from ax25

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Sandwiches to WC bombs.  Nice.  Was a nice catch up tonight.  Hope everyone still has a liver or spleen or kidneys or whatever.

Still want to get some HP sauce.  I like A1, but meh, change is good...

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