I'll hang out in the Lobby today and see if anyone wants to chat. Our XMPP implementation doesn't support room chat though, only instant messaging between two online users.
And even that appears to be partially broken right now. I did receive a bug report with a suggested fix.
Oddly, room chat seemed to work okay with him.
I am not sure how one goes about chatting one-on-one with someone, short of sending pages. Mind you, I was on the text client at the time we chatted.
Huh, that's interesting.
I just didn't quite know where what I typed would show in his interface.
But we sorted it out.
I'm now the proud owner of a new folder in my personal folders list: "Sent/Received Pages" where i have the full log of the one2one message with fleeb. B)
I have no record of the room chat i had with fleeb in the lobby, or the later chat had today in the lobby. :( I was hoping here would be another folder in my list with that? Also, i couldn't cut n paste the last chat session i had when in webcit :( )
But still B) nice to IM within citadel.
Heh, yeah, as IG mentioned, there's a private room in which those room sessions go. Neither of us have access to it, but IG does.
excact - which makes it even harder to meet people - aside that you don't see it in webcit that someone is currently in the room chat to lead you into joining that chat.
and - roomchats aren't logged.
Yes it would be nice to see who is available to chat in a room, like you can see how many messages are in the room just below the title.
Also notifications when there are new messages in the room chat.
Split screen/ new window voodoo would be even better but that does seem like alot of work :) .
I heard mention you can see who is available to chat via the who's online list, when using the text client? This would be nice in webcit too(?)
because I wasn't in the same room? Damn it.
Sounds reasonable!
Maybe i should start using the text client more often? It seems to have some better features than the web client. A text calendar and PIM thingey would be awesome.
What i would like to know is:
If you can have private rooms (only the administrator can create and add users to a private room?), it figures that you can have private group/room chats, is that right?
You can create a private room on Uncensored without admin privs, if I recall.
And as the person who created it, you have the rights to invite people to it, or make it a 'guess-name' room (anyone who can get the name right can go to it), etc. Because, if I remember correctly, Citadel allows you to have room admin privs, and the person creating the room is automatically its admin.
Uncensored already has some guess-name rooms you can find... rooms normally set up that way either because it's kind of amusing to set up such rooms like that, or because the person creating the room figured most people wouldn't be interested in the extra traffic (a room following an RSS feed, for example).
National day of chat? Never heard of that.