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[#] Thu Jul 14 2016 12:44:44 UTC from fleeb

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I'm not as concerned about that right now.

Funny thing is, when you see a lot of naked people at one time, you don't see anyone naked anymore.

[#] Thu Jul 14 2016 18:37:33 UTC from zooer

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well yea... it is hard to look up when you are bent over vomiting.

[#] Wed Jul 20 2016 19:44:03 UTC from LoanShark

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Pull quotes<<< are bad, mm-kay.

[#] Thu Jul 21 2016 20:44:13 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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When you use too many pull quotes, you're using Hitler!

[#] Fri Jul 22 2016 15:19:36 UTC from LoanShark

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In Soviet Germany, Hitler use YOU!!1

[#] Mon Jul 25 2016 00:58:04 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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(LS wins the Internet today for that one)

[#] Thu Jul 28 2016 14:38:41 UTC from wizard of aahz

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fleeb - I was down in Baltimore for two days the other week and it was terrifyingly brutal down by the Inner Harbor. IK know I'm out of shape, but the 5 block walk in the humidity made me want to cry.

[#] Fri Jul 29 2016 01:17:40 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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The humidity is ridiculous this week. I've been in North Carolina all week (and stuck here another night due to flights being grounded all over the east coast). 105 degF and what feels like about 300% humidity. You can literally* swim through the air because there's so much moisture in it.

* (not literally)

[#] Fri Jul 29 2016 11:28:02 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Flughts cancelled or IG on the no-[23-fly list?

[#] Fri Jul 29 2016 13:15:05 UTC from fleeb

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Yeah, the humidity is a killer here lately.

I've tried to stay inside most of the time. It's unsafe to spend too much time outside. And the computer screens don't read as easily outside anyway.

[#] Mon Aug 01 2016 19:49:49 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Flughts cancelled or IG on the no- [23-fly list?

I figured I was on every watch list out there, because I'm not afraid to speak the truth when confronted with Hitlerism in any venue and any medium.

But I was very surprised; I got on a lot of airplanes this week and not once have I been "randomly" selected for "secondary screening"

(For those not aware, "random secondary screening" means the government hates you and they deliberately give you a body cavity search whenever you enter an airport. Our child molester friend Curly used to get that every time.)

[#] Mon Aug 01 2016 21:17:06 UTC from zooer

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You sound disappointed you didn't get a body cavity search.

[#] Tue Aug 02 2016 05:02:03 UTC from LoanShark

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But I was very surprised; I got on a lot of airplanes this week and

not once have I been "randomly" selected for "secondary screening"

Funny, you look kind of like a darkie too.

I didn't fly for a few years, but from my perspective, those searches aren't happening as much as they did in the early aughts.

[#] Wed Aug 17 2016 20:55:10 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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You sound disappointed you didn't get a body cavity search.

I think I'll pass on that, thanks. But it proves that everyone who has ever told me to "expect a visit" from the redshirts because I said or wrote something that offended their sensibilties, was completely wrong.

I'm sure someday I'll piss off the wrong person. Until then I'll keep flying the friendly skies.

[#] Thu Aug 18 2016 06:32:30 UTC from LoanShark

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The redshirts? Those guys who always end up dead?

[#] Thu Aug 18 2016 18:35:55 UTC from fleeb

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Different show.

[#] Thu Aug 18 2016 21:45:47 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Probably should have said brownshirts (Hitler) rather than redshirts (Garibaldi) or blackshirts (Mussolini). But you get the idea. On the other hand, getting a visit from a bunch of Starfleet ensigns would be kind of cool too.

[#] Mon Aug 22 2016 11:58:58 UTC from the_mgt

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Thu Aug 18 2016 17:45:47 EDTfrom IGnatius T Foobar
Yet another different show...


[#] Wed Aug 24 2016 00:09:00 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I am offended by being called "just plain annoying." I am *exceptionally* annoying.

[#] Wed Aug 24 2016 23:20:16 UTC from Animal

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missing blueshirts (tsa) (tub stackers of america)

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