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[#] Sun Mar 26 2017 13:44:02 EDT from zooer

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What truly awful things are getting done?

[#] Sun Mar 26 2017 15:49:00 EDT from LoanShark

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Nothing yet, because Trump has been prett ineffective. I said the threat of. ;)

[#] Mon Mar 27 2017 12:20:53 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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If Trump is brilliant, his move last week was possibly the best move possible.

The Republicans put forth a crap bill. No conservative wanted what was presented.

By forcing their hand, he made sure that it was dead, instead of becoming another Obamacare.

The Democrats have a bit to gloat about, but it's not really a win for them.

He can come back, try and work with Democrats get something done and look like a master negotiator.

Unfortunately, it won't be the death of Obamacare that we hoped for.

[#] Mon Mar 27 2017 14:51:57 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Scott Adams suggested exactly that, and at this point I'm convinced that he is a more astute political pundit than any of us are.
[ ]

[#] Thu Mar 30 2017 12:46:05 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I can never remember ... is Barack Obama a member of ISIS, or is he a member of Al Qaeda?

[#] Thu Mar 30 2017 20:29:28 EDT from nonservator

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Glub bless the Duck, Pax Dickinson. I just went back and read the final days before Twitter banned him. "I will ride shiny and chrome in valhalla witness me brothers" Had a diehard Hillary-supporting friend visiting and she was tearing up laughing not just at the Duck skewering the right, but her allies on the left

as well. "He got banned for *this*?" So yeah, I hope Twitter goes full double down and bans the president. Oh no, please Br'er Fox, don't throw me in dat briar patch...

[#] Mon Apr 03 2017 14:15:59 EDT from Shazam

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Zooer, what's wrong with cis? Vast majority of people I know are cis, and even though most of them give it no thought whatsoever, I think they are content with it. 

Also, quite of lot of cis people voted against Trump. 


Today (It was really yesterday) I learned that if you're going to be the Hero and come jump somebody's car for them, you really should say, OUT LOUD (several times) "Red to positive, black to negative"

I ALSO learned that if you don't get it right, a fuse blows.  Thank goodness for fuses.  

I ALSO learned that AutoZone doesn't necessarily stock fuses for a 2004 Honda.  

So I really learned a lot yesterday. 

[#] Mon Apr 03 2017 17:08:50 EDT from zooer

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Mon Apr 03 2017 02:15:59 PM EDT from Shazam

Zooer, what's wrong with cis? Vast majority of people I know are cis, and even though most of them give it no thought whatsoever, I think they are content with it. 

Also, quite of lot of cis people voted against Trump.  

 "CIS: CIS-Short for cis-gendered, meaning someone who identifies with the sex they are born as"

I didn't know there was a term for accepting your birth sex, I saw it used negatively.  I didn't know people shamed "cis" people.
A lot of people voted for Trump and a lot of people voted against Trump, their sexuality/sexual identification has nothing to do with it and doesn't matter.


Today (It was really yesterday) I learned that if you're going to be the Hero and come jump somebody's car for them, you really should say, OUT LOUD (several times) "Red to positive, black to negative"


 Actually connect one end of the cable to the positive on the good battery and the other end of the cable to positive on the bad battery.  Connect another cable from negative on the good battery to the metal frame on the car with the dead battery.  The colors of the cables doesn't matter, the connection does.

[#] Mon Apr 03 2017 19:22:07 EDT from LoanShark

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That would be hilarious... but bad business and they know it.

[#] Mon Apr 03 2017 19:40:10 EDT from kc5tja

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The colors exist as a mnemonic to help you get the connections correct. You're right that the absolute colors are immaterial; however, *convention* says that red is positive, and black is negative. It's as true for 3V, 6V, and 9V battery holders as it is for jumper cables. (Disclaimer: I believe UK has a different coloring mnemonic; blue and brown, IIRC. But, same idea holds.)

Regarding Trump voters, trends exists which lean one way or the other for various demographics. Statistically speaking, Trump voters by and large are cis-genered; it is, again, not an absolute, but a *generally* valid, well, generalization.

And, yes, cis-shaming is a thing, unfortunately. Even non-cis folks I hang out with tend to shy away from those who shame a lot, so let it be known that even in the non-cis community, cis-shaming is generally frowned upon.

[#] Tue Apr 04 2017 09:25:56 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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And, yes, cis-shaming is a thing, unfortunately. Even non-cis folks I

hang out with tend to shy away from those who shame a lot, so let it be

known that even in the non-cis community, cis-shaming is generally
frowned upon.

There is a certain portion of the population that thrives on identity politics.
They like to divide people into little groups and then set them against each other. And yes they vote exclusively left-wing (demokrat or green).

Meanwhile, the rest of us are quietly *being* what they only claim to be: calmly and quietly loving all humans equally while ignoring their demographics.

When someone tells you to "check your privilege" you are legally permitted to stab them in the face with a Buick.

[#] Tue Apr 04 2017 09:52:27 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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President Trump won't get banned from Twitter for the same reason Kenyan Muslim Obama didn't get assassinated: the opposition does not want to create a martyr.

[#] Tue Apr 04 2017 11:07:02 EDT from zooer

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Tue Apr 04 2017 09:25:56 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
There is a certain portion of the population that thrives on identity politics.
They like to divide people into little groups and then set them against each other. And yes they vote exclusively left-wing (demokrat or green).

Meanwhile, the rest of us are quietly *being* what they only claim to be: calmly and quietly loving all humans equally while ignoring their demographics.

When someone tells you to "check your privilege" you are legally permitted to stab them in the face with a Buick.

Says the man who believes people dieing in a car fire is funny and who routinely thinks the opposition should be execute.  "calmly and quietly loving all humans while stabbing them in a face with a Buick.

It is the far left nonsense that got Trump elected.  People were mad as hell and didn't want to take it anymore.  Unchecked liberalism gave us Trump.

[#] Tue Apr 04 2017 11:25:18 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Social justice warriors are subhuman, and ok to kill.

[#] Tue Apr 04 2017 11:56:08 EDT from kc5tja

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They emphatically do not exclusively vote left-wing. I will say nothing more on this topic, but I know quite a few right-wingers in the community who border on fascist.

[#] Tue Apr 04 2017 14:54:05 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Q: How can you tell when someone doesn't know what "fascist" means?

A: They think Donald Trump is one.

[#] Wed Apr 05 2017 08:15:38 EDT from zooer

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He didn't say Donald Trump was a fascist, he said people in the community were fascist.  (I have no idea what community he is talking about.)


(Side note, still to this day I pronounce fascist as Face-ist.)

[#] Wed Apr 05 2017 12:34:46 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Steve Bannon is no longer on the NSC. Interesting times.

[#] Wed Apr 05 2017 18:39:44 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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President Trump (the single greatest president ever) seems to have a habit of shuffling people around. I'm going to assume he knows what he's doing.
But it's not good to let the Hitler Left assume that they claimed another scalp.

I think we can all agree that Maxine Waters should be force-fed ten pounds of cyanide.

[#] Thu Apr 06 2017 20:14:17 EDT from zooer

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I was getting worried we wouldn't start a new military conflict before the summer, but..... USA! USA! USA!


On a side note, you are a racist if you don't serve a drunk liberal french fries in a bowling alley.  Good times, good times.

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