Energy is the big thing lately.
We're pumping oil out of the ground and distributing it all over the world, and there are more people who want it than its availability.
If we truly went isolationist, we'd stop selling the oil we drill to others, and we'd consume it ourself. That would probably drive oil prices through the roof for the rest of the world, and make the middle east even less stable than it is now (which would have some interesting results, if horrific).
Or, if the rest of the world actually innovated, creating alternatives to oil that isn't as exensive (and maybe is a tad cleaner), it could change everything.
So many ifs.
Oil is an issue; the real problem is that the watermelons keep blocking all of the *credible* alternatives to oil. They regulate the use of coal to the point where it's becoming unfeasible to use, even though it is abundant here.
They block the development of natural gas resources, even though that's abundant too. They haven't allowed a new nuclear plant to be built in decades, even though nuclear energy has the ability to sustain us almost indefinitely (and it doesn't have a big carbon footprint, if you believe that's a problem, which I don't).
We need more nuclear energy. Lots of it. And I can't be accused of wanting nuclear reactors anywhere but near me, because I already live within the evacuation zone of one. Nuclear is efficient, safe, and plentiful. And it's part of my peace plan for the middle east, as I mentioned a few weeks ago.
Tellya what, government, let's make a deal: you allow the construction of 100 new reactors in the next three years, and I will purchase an electric car when that makes the cost of electricity drop.
Fri Sep 19 2014 20:11:09 UTC
vince-q <>
But I've already told you my peace plan. I should run.
And to where will you run?
But I've already told you my peace plan. I should run.
The LoanShark peace plan shall be germ warfare: give them all CANCER AND AIDS. Watch them SUBMIT.
If we truly went isolationist, we'd stop selling the oil we drill to
others, and we'd consume it ourself. That would probably drive oil
I think you've confused isolationism with solipsism.
The LoanShark peace plan shall be germ warfare: give them all CANCERHow about Ebola and a respiratory disease?
AND AIDS. Watch them SUBMIT.
The LoanShark peace plan shall be germ warfare: give them all CANCER
AND AIDS. Watch them SUBMIT.
OGTP ... good thing health care is now free!
Speaking of free health care has everyone in the US gotten their $2,500 savings yet? Because I heard insurance
rate premiums are going up.
I am a little confused because I thought the AHCA was suppose to save the good citizens money and everyone would
love it.
rate premiums are going up.
I am a little confused because I thought the AHCA was suppose to save the good citizens money and everyone would
love it.
Mon Sep 22 2014 10:41:04 AM EDT from zooer @ Uncensored
I loved that bit:
"Sure refer me to your pollsters. It's interesting to watch the gatekeepers
explain themselves. It's actually something a journalist would cover."
explain themselves. It's actually something a journalist would cover."
compared to the papers response:
..we have to make editorial decisions every day
about how to deploy our ever-shrinking resources.
about how to deploy our ever-shrinking resources.
I suppose they did not think that part of the reason they don't get readership is due to the fact that they cover what is already covered in other media (and for less cost or even free). I thought the point was to dig a bit further in to a story, but I might have that confused with the movies. I doubt they will figure that out in time.
I am a little confused because I thought the AHCA was suppose to save thegood citizens money and everyone would
love it.
That was a lie, like everything Comrade Imam Ba'raq Saddam Hussein Hitler Osama Obama says.
The AHCA is designed to fail, so they can replace it with 100% Socialized Medicine next time around.
Well at the increase in my premium and deductibles along with bigger co-pays I am almost ready for
it.....although I know what is coming is far worse.
Thanks Obama!
it.....although I know what is coming is far worse.
Thanks Obama!
Wed Sep 24 2014 01:39:02 UTC
vince-q <>
In 1965 while they were arguing over Medicare, they said the same things.
Only then it was LBJ and Teddy (Chappaquiddick) Kennedy that were the villains.
I am now on Medicare (retired and Old Enough!).
It is absolutely wonderful - at least for now.
I am now on Medicare (retired and Old Enough!).
It is absolutely wonderful - at least for now.
The following is a list of Vice President Biden's notable gaffes and moments of candor.
Mon Oct 06 2014 18:00:55 UTC
vince-q <>
Subject: Re: List of Biden's political blunders
Oct 6 2014 5:30am from rss @cascade in >
Subject: List of Biden's political blunders
The following is a list of Vice President Biden's notable gaffes and
moments of candor.
You mean that list is short enough to even think of putting it online?????
Mon Oct 06 2014 18:01:38 UTC
vince-q <>
Dan Quayle: the thinking man's Joe Biden.
The bombing needs to begin now.
[ ]
A bunch of communist socialist Harvard students are saying that America is a greater threat to world peace than the Islamic State (aka ISIS).
So ... not only are our tax dollars funding ISIS, but we're also providing federal aid to ultra-communist think tanks like Harvard to tell us that we're the problem.
I am going to play devil's advocate, the U.S. out numbers, has more money, has a larger military and is in more
countries than ISIS. The U.S. is a bigger threat because they are bigger and feel they have to police
force the world.
countries than ISIS. The U.S. is a bigger threat because they are bigger and feel they have to police
force the world.
With our current Commander-in-Chief, right now the U.S. essentially *is* ISIS.
Funding one group of jihadi wackos ostensibly for the purpose of attacking another, but they're still jihadi wackos and they end up using our money to attack peaceful targets. Not to mention the deliberately porous border and stupid immigration policies, currently being used to import ebola into the country and rapidly distribute it from coast to coast.
Bush didn't do *enough* to tackle Al Qaeda (aka ISIS, ISIL, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, Hamas; they're all the same damn organization). The WMD's were hidden in Syria and now the jihadi wackos have them.
Funding one group of jihadi wackos ostensibly for the purpose of attacking another, but they're still jihadi wackos and they end up using our money to attack peaceful targets. Not to mention the deliberately porous border and stupid immigration policies, currently being used to import ebola into the country and rapidly distribute it from coast to coast.
Bush didn't do *enough* to tackle Al Qaeda (aka ISIS, ISIL, Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR, Hamas; they're all the same damn organization). The WMD's were hidden in Syria and now the jihadi wackos have them.