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[#] Wed Nov 06 2024 08:43:22 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Congratulations MAGA dudes and dudettes

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I have just been told MAGA won by a landslide. Congrats.

[#] Wed Nov 06 2024 12:15:56 UTC from Nurb432

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The fat lady has not sung yet.


I see the following:

  • During the recounts  ( remember its ok if D's ask for them ) there will be additional cheating in key areas, now that they know where to ramp it up. Enough? Who knows.
  • During recounts i would expect some false-flag cheating, to call the entire thing into question.
  • Several members of congress have said they will refuse to certify. ( enough? i don't know )
  • Jan 6 lawfare will be back, in conjunction to the above. We were already warned of this.
And im too lazy to look, has SCOTUS ever ruled on the ability for the college to vote for whoever they want, regardless of their states citizens choice? I know it was on the docket years ago. if they are not, then its another possible option.  Its a much smaller group, whom they can identify personally.  Outright threaten them, nothing to lose now.

if all that fails, expect a professional assassination operation, not yet another 'amateur attempt'. And i assume Vance is allowed to be in the chair. Him being a career politician, i suspect they will not stop that with force, no need, he will just sell-out like the rest.

This all assumes that the radical left does not light the fuse in the coming weeks and makes it all irrelevant who is in DC, as the end result is the same.


What concerns me more, are the numbers.

Being nice, lets say 10% of the numbers for Harris was cheat. ( im sure its more, just being generous ). that means a huge percent of our nation are now hard core Communists, which will ultimately prevent any recovery efforts.  We cant survive long term under those conditions as a free-ish nation.

[#] Wed Nov 06 2024 14:58:01 UTC from Nurb432

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lol random propaganda headline a friend sent. The meltdown will be entertaining. 

Tho i do agree, there are 2 Americas and we have almost no common ground, nor have we for a while now.  The only solution is separation.  But it wont happen, due to the above about % of communists mixed in our society.





Trump's Win Reveals the Inconvenient Truths About America

Democrats may comfort themselves thinking America's checks and balances are strong, and Trump is destined to fail, but that would be a mistake. There are two Americas now, and very little connects them

[#] Wed Nov 06 2024 16:33:34 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Congratulations MAGA dudes and dudettes

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Congratulations to Donald J. Trump on a third electoral victory and upcoming second term in office. May all who challenge him fail to the point where they literally die. Bitches.

[#] Wed Nov 06 2024 16:53:51 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Congratulations MAGA dudes and dudettes

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He has not won the seat, yet. The college has not voted. 

Wed Nov 06 2024 16:33:34 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: Congratulations MAGA dudes and dudettes
Congratulations to Donald J. Trump on a third electoral victory and upcoming second term in office. May all who challenge him fail to the point where they literally die. Bitches.


[#] Thu Nov 07 2024 17:04:03 UTC from Nurb432

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lol  ( from an EE news letter )


" 4 employment actions to expect under a second Trump presidency 

Employers are likely to see immigration raids, agency chair replacements and a regulatory activity slowdown, experts at Littler predicted."


Well if they dont break the law and hire illegals, they dont have to be concerned. If they did, well they should be shut down.

and ya, Trump was not a fan of internal regulatory stuff that was killing american business.  I dont see a problem there either. 

[#] Thu Nov 07 2024 20:44:32 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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People are afraid. They're afraid because they've been told lies, lies that they were told by the leftist media and they now believe.

They believe that gay and trans people are going to be rounded up and sent to internment camps.

They believe that interracial marriages will be broken up by the government.

They believe that women will be denied access to not only abortion but also birth control and IVF.

People who are smart enough to know better are absolutely certain that Hitler2 has arrived and is definitely going to do these things. This is why the *actual* Hitler needs to be dug up and re-animated, so he can exterminate every single person involved in spreading these lies. The liberal media is a true enemy of the free world and they absolutely need to be exterminated, in the "real Hitler" sense of the world. They are guilty of mega-crimes against humanity.

As for deportation ... the one immigrant who may be here legally but should be deported anyway is Barack Saddam Hussein Osama Hitler Obama. Send him back to Kenya. But don't soil the cabin of a perfectly good airplane with him. Dangle him from the plane and cut him loose at 30,000 feet while the airplane is over Nairobi. No single person has harmed America more than Barry, and while it is good that he has been denied a fourth term, he still poses a threat and must be neutralized. Deportation at 30,000 feet should do the trick.

[#] Thu Nov 07 2024 21:43:01 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Rounding up gays

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They believe that gay and trans people are going to be rounded up and

sent to internment camps.

The level of narcissism some groups show is cringeworthy. It reminds me of that time Freenode was bought by a right wing dude. People scrambled like beheaded chickens because they were sure the new owner was going to collect the data of gays and use it to chase them down or something, as if the guy had purchased the network with the sole intent of identifying the 40 gays in it.

[#] Thu Nov 07 2024 21:55:38 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Not in the advertised language.

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Let's say, for the sake of discussion, tht the language they talk in my country is called "Weirdish".

A friend of mine has told me a recent videogame release isbeing forced to issue lots of refunds because they advertised it as "subtitled in Weirdish", but it came in an incomprehensible language instead. It turns out the subtitled are actually in "inclusive Weirdish" but people either have trouble understanding it or are directly offended that stuff is considered Weirdish.

[#] Thu Nov 07 2024 22:05:45 UTC from Nurb432

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while i don't disagree in principle, i wont give him credit for organizing anything. He is not that smart, or talented. Hes just a puppet himself.   We need to find and stop the puppet masters, that is how we stop this.

Thu Nov 07 2024 20:44:32 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

. No single person has harmed America more than Barry, and while it is good that he has been denied a fourth term, he still poses a threat and must be neutralized. 


[#] Thu Nov 07 2024 22:06:26 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Not in the advertised language.

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Thu Nov 07 2024 21:55:38 UTC from darknetuser Subject: Not in the advertised language.

Let's say, for the sake of discussion, tht the language they talk in my country is called "Weirdish".

A friend of mine has told me a recent videogame release isbeing forced to issue lots of refunds because they advertised it as "subtitled in Weirdish", but it came in an incomprehensible language instead. It turns out the subtitled are actually in "inclusive Weirdish" but people either have trouble understanding it or are directly offended that stuff is considered Weirdish.


[#] Fri Nov 08 2024 15:11:38 UTC from Nurb432

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No. Please no.


Several have mentioned this as an idea...

“Want to blow Republicans’ minds? Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor retires. President Biden appoints Kamala Harris to Sotomayor’s vacancy with a lame duck Democratic senate majority. Supreme Court Justice Kamala Harris,” 

[#] Sat Nov 09 2024 00:26:41 UTC from Nurb432

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"Whistleblower Reveals FEMA Official Directed Relief Workers to Skip Homes Displaying Trump Signs"

One source ->


He should be in jail.

[#] Sat Nov 09 2024 21:12:42 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Sonia Hitlermayor

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“Want to blow Republicans’ minds? Supreme Court Justice
Sonia Sotomayor retires. President Biden appoints Kamala Harris
to Sotomayor’s vacancy with a lame duck Democratic senate
majority. Supreme Court Justice Kamala Harris,” 

Not going to happen. As some pundits are saying, "Ok, you can stop pretending to like Kamala Harris now."

When it comes to fielding candidates that everyone hates, we thought that Hitlery Cunton would be a hard act to follow, but KKKamala did a great job at it. But at least Hitlery had a functioning brain, even if she was (and still is) evil to the core. KKKamala is such a vacuous twat that she should never have qualified for any job that does not take place under Willie Brown's desk.

Barack Hitler Osama's SCOTUS pick (Merrick Hitler Garland) at least ended up as Attorney General during Osama's third term. KKKamala will have no such luck, now that Osama has been denied a fourth term.

[#] Sat Nov 09 2024 21:14:22 UTC from Nurb432

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Lets see, Trump said "go peacefully bla bla " and was charged with running an insurrection.  Harris " keep fighting"  and nothing.  ( i bet she runs again.. tho i really doubt she gets the nomination from the party )

Oh, and i guess its ok for D's to claim the election was stolen, and to suppress positive reactions.   


If anyone thinks we won the war, they are deluded. 



[#] Sun Nov 10 2024 16:54:18 UTC from Nurb432

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Ramping up the programming:

"In this case, an Advanced Placement (AP) government & politics class at Kamiak High School centered an assignment around recent claims by Vice President Kamala Harris and former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly, who labeled Trump a “fascist.” The assignment required students to define fascism and “provide evidence that Harris and Kelly’s assessment is possibly correct.”


But to my amazement, 2 points for the children, as several pushed back.


[#] Mon Nov 11 2024 19:04:54 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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If anyone thinks we won the war, they are deluded. 

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.

There is no "winning" in the sense that one more term of President Awesome will fix all of our problems. This is an opportunity to move the ball as far as possible back in the correct direction. Tyranny can be latched in to a point where it can only be removed with blood, but liberty is preserved with enlightenment and with love.

Now is the time to destroy the mega-criminals who have fooled too many people into believing lies. Hollywood and the liberal media must be exposed and punished for their lies. Obama and Gates must face capital punishment for their sedition. The women of The View must have sticks of dynamite detonated in their uteruses as punishment for their cruelty to the world.

Indeed, if we sit back and say "Trump will fix everything" then we have only delayed the slide into oblivion.

[#] Mon Nov 11 2024 21:51:02 UTC from Nurb432

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Far too many are saying that.

"we won and trump will fix it"

Mon Nov 11 2024 19:04:54 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar
Indeed, if we sit back and say "Trump will fix everything" then we have only delayed the slide into oblivion.


[#] Tue Nov 12 2024 03:02:32 UTC from nonservator

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Dear Mom: I am not the least bit worried that the Department of Defense recently publicly discussed when it was lawful to kill American citizens, and which branch of the military gets to do the killing. I am not at all concerned that the military have publicly declared, “We talked it over and even though we don’t have to, we will conditionally agree to obey orders from the duly elected President of the United States. At least for now.” That is not at all a troubling development, and there is nothing to worry about. Because after all, they already did the same fucking thing last time Hitler was president, when multiple top commanders went on record as saying they purposefully disobeyed orders and did their own thing, and then waited to tell it until he was gone so they could get Good Boy Point from those cocksuckers of Clown World media. One of those things was refusing to pull out of the Middle East when given direct orders to do so, thereby starting/continuing a war on their own decision. Actual fucking treason. And they boasted about it. But of course I don't need to worry about them killing me, just like I don't need to worry about them taking my guns that I lost in a tragic boating accident. Because all they have to do is click a few keys and I don't have a bank account, I don't have a credit card, I can't buy or sell, I can't earn a living, and I just need to go off in the woods by myself and starve to death if I can't live in a society.

"Unity" means pretending that the last 8 years didn’t happen (and longer, for some of us). The lies, the deceit, the cheating, the lawfare trying to disenfranchise voters, the attempted assassinations, the blaming Whites for everything, the tearing down of statues and monuments, renaming military bases because some asshole died of a drug overdose while resisting arrest.

If Republican politicians can continue to hold and push back while remaining polite but unyielding, I'm fine with that. But I have no need or reason to be polite with the people who have lied us into a state of hatred and fear, and I will no longer shut up and play nice. Not when my own mother is having a nervous breakdown and wondering how much of a Nazi I am. No mercy, no quarter, no forgiveness for Clown World. I have nothing but sympathy for those who run more on fear than hatred, who have been convinced that the crazy racist sexist will nuke the world and turn all women into breeding slaves. But I'm done tolerating intolerance, bullshit, and hate-filled lies. All of the people in my life who buy into that shit have cut me out of their lives already, so there's no more damage to do - except if my relationship with my mother is destroyed. And even if that doesn't happen: I'm done shutting the fuck up and swallowing their shit.

[#] Tue Nov 12 2024 12:16:58 UTC from Nurb432

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Ya, technically they have always had the ability, if it really came down to it.  Would look bad, and doubtful if the person would get re-elected but it was always 'doable' if needed.


But to be honest, id not bother. No one is going to meet in the middle anymore.  If it was me, id just: "Im sorry mom, we don't agree, lets not talk about it"

Tue Nov 12 2024 03:02:32 UTC from nonservator

 and there is nothing to worry about. 


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