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[#] Tue Oct 29 2024 18:11:42 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Democrats are the real Nazis

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No doubt about it, a poison gas attack during a taping of The View would be a good start.

[#] Tue Oct 29 2024 18:12:09 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Democrats are the real Nazis

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Tue Oct 29 2024 14:11:42 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: Democrats are the real Nazis
No doubt about it, a poison gas attack during a taping of The View would be a good start.


[#] Tue Oct 29 2024 23:29:49 UTC from Nurb432

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"If Trump is elected the american public will have to endure temporary hardship" "and i will have to increase my security detail dramatically"

Says the richest man in the world, who is fully insulated from any 'hardship' he may inflict on the serfs.

[#] Thu Oct 31 2024 22:01:11 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: The New Argentina

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It is worth mentioning I see almost no talking about Javier Milei and the way he is chainsawing the Argentinian administration.

He is doing what every so-called conservative should be striving for. He closed the tax collection agency for good because it was so corrupt and bloated and opened a new tax agency with a fraction of the staff.

The national, socialized airlines were losing money no end and were a parking lot for politicians and their friends and relatives, so he privatized it by making every worker a stock holder. Fast forward a bit, the airlines are no longer costing money to the tax payers and now are actually a bit profitable. National railroads are on the same schedule.

When the system is corrupt, the only thing you can do with it is to chainsaw it down and build it from the ground up.

Guys, take notice.

[#] Thu Oct 31 2024 22:46:17 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: The New Argentina

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Non-communists dont get a lot of air-time these days..   People are too liable to wake up and see the light.

[#] Fri Nov 01 2024 00:53:49 UTC from zelgomer

Subject: Re: The New Argentina

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That sounds awesome and his hair is awesome.

[#] Fri Nov 01 2024 10:09:00 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Re: The New Argentina

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2024-10-31 20:53 from zelgomer
Subject: Re: The New Argentina
That sounds awesome and his hair is awesome [D [C.

And he has lotta dogs. Actually, they are clones of a dog he used to have. He loved him so much he made more of them.

I don't think he is right in the head but as long as he helps unarticulate a communist regime and replace it with something usable, I am on board.

[#] Fri Nov 01 2024 10:36:10 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: The New Argentina

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Ultimately, isn't that all that really matters in the end? Societal improvement. 

Fri Nov 01 2024 06:09:00 EDT from darknetuser Subject: Re: The New Argentina

I don't think he is right in the head but as long as he helps unarticulate a communist regime and replace it with something usable, I am on board.


[#] Fri Nov 01 2024 14:08:41 UTC from Nurb432

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As mentioned above, i guess the new push is to get Elon's citizenship yanked.  From the way it sounds, he did break the law and over stayed his visa, so they will have 'legal grounds'. However its never enforced, until him so they have no precedent to do it.  I would say it would 'prove how politicized the party is'  but everyone knows this. No one on the left cares as long as it supports their agenda, and no one on the right seems to want to actually anything about it other then wave a flag to get votes. And the ones in the middle, dont have any power so they just ride the train with the others.

Not sure what practical effect it would have tho. I suppose worse case they say he cant get a visa, or own a private enterprise in the US, so he moves himself and business overseas, and gets tariffed to death.  I guess he could lose out on US contracts, which is a huge component of his SpaceX funding.  Unless its a corporation now, then perhaps not ( i didn't go look, but i thought it went IPO a few years ago )

I guess i could see them trying to fine him and bankrupt him ( i dont think you can be jailed, just deported ).. but again no precedent

[#] Sat Nov 02 2024 17:30:14 UTC from Nurb432

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I could be wrong, but i may just have come across an old government code book i had that i honestly forgot about. I do remember the book now that i ran across it, but i don't remember its purpose now, or how to read it.  Cover: " Serial A   No 1041    1994 "

Tiny little pocket guide, about 16 pages of what appears to be gibberish and at the end " any person who this book is loaned is required to return it before further advancement. Failure to return it on demand may result in suspension or expulsion."


In 1994, that would put it around the time i was still into such a thing ( cant get into why ) , but i have zero clue now and wish i could remember its use. 


[#] Sat Nov 02 2024 23:30:23 UTC from Nurb432

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Ok i was wrong. its not government, but something about as secretive and also 'string pullers'.

Its a code book from the Masonic Order.

[#] Sun Nov 03 2024 22:06:47 UTC from Nurb432

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Drove past a house today.

Had a sign out front, several 'tiles' on it.  One was a uterus, "this house supports reproductive rights, my body my choice"   and some sort of BLM fist looking thing ( with words below it ).  Some sort of letters written in rainbow color and some words below it.  ( didn't get details, didn't care, just noticed as it was out of place in that area )

And of course a Harris sign next to it. But the sign didn't say 'Harris/Walz" just Harris, which did seem odd to me for some reason..

[#] Mon Nov 04 2024 15:39:04 UTC from Nurb432

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Not my words. But i do agree. I honestly also don't see Trump fixing anything in the long term, the country is broken at its core, with the citizens. Its over. Just waiting for the fat lady to come on in and start singing. She is in-route.

Now i will admit that if he gets in office, he may help postpone the collapse, but its coming.. no way to stop it.  When such a large % of the population no longer believes in our foundations, you cant survive. Its not possible.  Besides, its just the cycle of civilization throughout our history as a species. We managed to extend it somewhat here, but not stop it.





The election is upon us and Kamala Harris’ fans are playing the race card. Her bankrupt policies are immaterial, oppose Harris and one is racist and sexist, never mind blacks like Leo Terrill and Candace Owens are Trump supporters, in Joe Biden’s words, “they ain’t black.”


The Democratic Party, which Harris represents, is no longer subtle about burying the republic. It prattles about democracy, abjuring Benjamin Franklin’s immortal words about what the founding fathers had created in the Philadelphia summer of 1787: “A republic, if you can keep it.”


The American nation was not created as a democracy but as republic of sovereign states whose method of choosing a president —the Electoral College — ensured that no one region of the nation could impose its will on another by weight of population. It is that republic that the Democrats seek to annul by abolishing the electoral college as well as by a paranoid desire to pack the Supreme Court, by an almost fanatical opposition to cleaning up the voter rolls, and by illegally importing millions of third world aliens whom they are subsidizing and will naturalize to gain permanent control of the nation. Over one million aliens have jumped the border since the Biden administration began and more are on the way. That small towns are overwhelmed by alien peoples, that crime and communicable diseases, notably TB, are resurgent, is just not important to them. Ordinary Americans’ concerns are dismissed, they just don’t matter, they’re “deplorables”, they’re “garbage”, and they’re “racists”.


The Democratic Party, with constant cries of “white supremacy,” demonizes white Americans and discriminates against them with DEI, racial quotas, and affirmative action, and has done so since the Vietnam War. As a party, it is anti-Christian demonstrated by trying to force the Little Sisters of the Poor to cover abortion in their insurance policy, by attacks on the religious beliefs of Catholic political nominees, and by prosecuting and persecuting the likes of the Protestant Colorado baker who refused celebrate homosexual “marriage” on his cake decorations because to do so violated his Christian religion. Harris has now gone so far as to say there should be no religious exemption when it comes to abortion, a clear violation of the First Amendment’s free exercise clause. She supports unlimited abortion (even Roe did not do that) and endorses the illogical, and evil notion of “transgenderism,” actions that any believing Christian would see as Satanic. Vice-presidential candidate Timothy Walz and his fellow Democrats also mean to curtail the First Amendment protection of free speech and freedom of the press holding that what they consider “misinformation” is not protected speech and that regulations are needed to curtail its exercise.


Allegations against Trump have proven spurious or fantastic exercises in “lawfare”. Even former prosecutors like Andrew McCarthy and prominent lawyers such as Alan Dershowitz and Jonathan Turley who disdain Trump have said that. The accusations of various generals calling Trump a NAZI or Fascist only reveal they have no idea of the history of those movements or that it is the modern Democratic Party which exhibits many of those anti-democratic principles.


From their own utterances, Democrats have revealed that it is not Donald Trump who is a threat to liberty, but themselves. It is they who regard the constitution as an obstacle to “progress”, it is they who disparage the people they want to govern.

[#] Mon Nov 04 2024 19:15:15 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Had a sign out front, several 'tiles' on it.  One was a uterus,
"this house supports reproductive rights, my body my choice" 

Unborn babies have bodies and rights too. I hope the woman who put out that tile dies of ovarian cancer.

[#] Mon Nov 04 2024 19:18:19 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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From their own utterances, Democrats have revealed that it is
not Donald Trump who is a threat to liberty, but themselves. It
is they who regard the constitution as an obstacle to
“progress”, it is they who disparage the people they want to

Democrats do not "govern". They rule by diktat, like the communist tyrants they are.

And as has been pointed out, they are getting less and less subtle about it. Mr. Trump is the last thing standing in the way of them saying "too bad, we rule, you don't, and if you oppose us we will destroy you in broad daylight as an example to the others."

The uniparty (democrats, rinos, and other elites) crossed the line a long time ago. The people who did the French Revolution had the right idea: guillotine the elites and their families to prevent them from coming back into power.
If only today's French had that kind of resolve, there would still be a France today instead of Francistan.

[#] Mon Nov 04 2024 19:26:57 UTC from Nurb432

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Who is to say its even a woman? Much like the "That Indian on the butter packages is offensive!!!  ..................... um, no i'm not Indian, but its offensive and has to go!!!!!"

Mon Nov 04 2024 19:15:15 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar
Had a sign out front, several 'tiles' on it.  One was a uterus,
"this house supports reproductive rights, my body my choice" 

Unborn babies have bodies and rights too. I hope the woman who put out that tile dies of ovarian cancer.


[#] Mon Nov 04 2024 23:38:36 UTC from Nurb432

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I know its wrong, and out of character for me.

But if Trump is allowed to 'win' tomorrow, i look forward to seeing all the heads on the left exploding. Including several i know personally.  

[#] Wed Nov 06 2024 03:03:22 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I agree. It's more important to give the nation another four year window to unfuck itself, but I too would enjoy the schadenfreude of watching the libs melt down again.

[#] Wed Nov 06 2024 08:39:57 UTC from darknetuser

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Unborn babies have bodies and rights too. I hope the woman who put
out that tile dies of ovarian cancer.

I bet she can't get ovarian cancer, because she is most likely a crossdressing dude pretending to be a gal.

[#] Wed Nov 06 2024 08:42:00 UTC from darknetuser

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The uniparty (democrats, rinos, and other elites) crossed the line a

long time ago. The people who did the French Revolution had the right

idea: guillotine the elites and their families to prevent them from
coming back into power.
If only today's French had that kind of resolve, there would still be

a France today instead of Francistan.

People romantizes the French revolution too much. It was a fucking disaster. Revolutionaries ended up doing what revolutionaries do and started killing each other right away. The revolutionary government was just a stepping stone for the transition to yet another empire.

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