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[#] Wed Oct 09 2024 16:01:37 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: exterminate!

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I hope they ramp up security, a LOT..  else it may not go well. 

Wed Oct 09 2024 11:44:45 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: exterminate!
"Democratic strategist Aisha Mills alleged Monday that former
Meanwhile, he gone and done it! President Awesome has booked Madison Square Garden for a rally in October. 


[#] Wed Oct 09 2024 16:17:54 UTC from Nurb432

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I can see why Putin would try to derail his race in favor of cameltoe, but that's pretty lame.. Is that all he has? That there shows you something.



"Kremlin Says Trump Sent Putin Covid Tests While President"

[#] Sat Oct 12 2024 13:41:57 UTC from Nurb432

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And in their infinite wisdom, FEMA dropped off several pallets of chainsaws to the hurricane ravaged area and left.


Electric ones.

[#] Mon Oct 14 2024 15:43:46 UTC from Nurb432

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Ya.  they did this:



"DOJ Tells Four Police, Fire Departments That It’s Racist To Expect Employees To Know Basic Math

Firefighter test asked job candidates how many 60-foot hoses they'd need to bring if a fire was 350 feet away."

[#] Tue Oct 15 2024 13:54:24 UTC from Nurb432

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Wow. even Bill Clinton admits that Harris didn't do her job as border czar...   Of course went on to say we need immigrants for labor, but they need to be properly vetted and were not.  ( related to a death down in Georgia )


And man, he looks bad.  Sure, we all age, but I can still say he does not look well.

[#] Tue Oct 15 2024 20:46:07 UTC from Nurb432

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Of course not. Why consider the problem of fraud? Why even bother having an election?


"Elections officials in Georgia have to certify results by the date required in state law, a judge ruled Monday, saying they have no discretion to delay certification because of fraud concerns or other potential issues that may arise as votes are being counted. "

[#] Wed Oct 16 2024 11:46:26 UTC from Nurb432

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A number of us will be off on election day, for various reasons. Do we also get the day off on the 6th when the riots break out and everything collapses? No matter what the outcome, it will be chaos the next day ( at least ).


And i'm actually being serious, this time. While i should be at home working way out in the outer suburbs ( grrrr urban sprawl, but no rant for today )  so it should not effect me directly, many who have to go into large cities may be at risk of harm. With the various riots in 2020 that even made it up into our main city, there were a few days ' for those still in the office, if you can stay home and work, please do ' was the official statement from HR. 

[#] Thu Oct 17 2024 02:23:32 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Bill The Rapist Clinton

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And man, he looks bad.  Sure, we all age, but I can still say
he does not look well.

Age plus evil plus STD's will do that.

[#] Thu Oct 17 2024 02:26:17 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: OMG

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I happen to be in North Carolina this week and OMG I didn't realize how viscious the TV ads get when you're not in a "safe" state. No one runs political ads for national races in my home state of New York because the communist socialist racist America-hating demoKKKrats have those races sewn up and don't need to campaign, and the non-commies don't bother wasting their money on states they can't win.

I've been noticing the TV in the breakfast room here at the hotel and WOW the ads are viscious! And there are a LOT of them.

[#] Thu Oct 17 2024 11:22:32 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: OMG

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i wouldn't know here what its like. I don't watch 'tv'. I do have a remote controlled 1/4 dish looking thing that i can rotate around without getting on the roof. It has a power amp too.    It was 'just in case we need it'.  Back then we had Comcast, and if it sprinkled the wrong direction we might lose it. But the one time it would have been used as a backup plan to monitor the outside world, we had no power for several days anyway and I wasn't about to hook the tv to the batteries/generator. ( tho i can of course ).  I just used a radio, normally using an SD card, every so often check the weather station to be sure it was still clear, since as discussed elsewhere music stations suck, and I really didn't feel like listing to politics or silly investment crap while sitting in the dark ( in effect ). So that blew listing to 'stations'. That and read a couple of books between futzing with the generator and re-charging the portable batteries and such from the night before.

Sort of surprised its still up there, after that tornado blew thru.  ( the one downside of it.. the weather that you need to use it after, may destroy it anyway ).   Plan C was one of those fractal antenna pads that you use in the house. But due to my location, it sucks. Might do better in the attic, but then there is that no-mans land problem again with my attic. But same problem around here as radio, TV sucks.


And unrelated to TV propaganda but related to politics: Saw my first Harris yard sign this week. Smack in the middle of a country red area ( not dirt road, hick-ville banjo level country, but not city either ). I bet they are loved by their neighbors. Funny thing is the neighbors let it stay.  If you reversed the situation, i bet they would burn their house down. "the party of peace"

Wed Oct 16 2024 22:26:17 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: OMG
I happen to be in North Carolina this week and OMG I didn't realize how viscious the TV ads get when you're not in a "safe" state. 


[#] Thu Oct 17 2024 12:21:09 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Firefighters

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2024-10-14 11:43 from Nurb432
Ya.  they did this:



"DOJ Tells Four Police, Fire Departments That It’s Racist To
Expect Employees To Know Basic Math

Firefighter test asked job candidates how many 60-foot hoses
they'd need to bring if a fire was 350 feet away."

So, what is the lagic of such claim? That blacks and browns have no education, therefore they can't pass tests? Wouldn't that claim be racist in itself?

[#] Thu Oct 17 2024 12:38:17 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Firefighters

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It all depends on who says it of course. 

If a random whitey says it, then its racist against them, if 'social equality teams' say it, then its blaming the educators for being racist.

Thu Oct 17 2024 08:21:09 EDT from darknetuser Subject: Firefighters

So, what is the lagic of such claim? That blacks and browns have no education, therefore they can't pass tests? Wouldn't that claim be racist in itself?


[#] Thu Oct 17 2024 13:39:27 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: j6 redux

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Going to include the link of more details as there is just too much.... and has actual words of the judge, but looks like they are setting things up for more J6 against trump right after the election, before he takes office. Basically saying that even if he didn't tell them to riot he can still be held labile, and i guess they are not permitted to include people like the leader of the DOJ..

And of course several D's are already saying they wont certify the election if they lose. ( also mentioned in the story )


I guess plan A ( lawfare ) isn't dead in the water, yet.

[#] Thu Oct 17 2024 23:21:14 UTC from Nurb432

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Still reading this document for my self, but its starting to be discussed in a few circles.  It appears the DoD has just authorized the use of military and lethal force on citizens, in a rather openly vague manner. Depending on how one interprets it, its rather scary. And just in time for the election....


Reference:  DOD DIRECTIVE 5240.01

Where i got a copy ->

[#] Fri Oct 18 2024 20:19:50 UTC from Nurb432

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Wait, isn't this election interference? its an actual political party from another country coming here solely to influence our elections. Its not even a 'private citizen'.  isn't this a crime? And if the Harris team does not stop it, are they not complicit in said crime? 


“The Labor Party is organizing a visit by 100 former and current staff to boost Vice President Kamala Harris in battleground states, an unusual effort by British liberals to bolster their political allies across the pond,” the Washington Times reported."

[#] Sat Oct 19 2024 22:18:37 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Foreigner Interference

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“The Labor Party is organizing a visit by 100 former and
current staff to boost Vice President Kamala Harris in
battleground states, an unusual effort by British liberals to
bolster their political allies across the pond,” the
Washington Times reported."

Yeah, it looks like foreigner interference. If the Democrats declared themselves winners I would automatically play the Russian Collusion card against them if I were a Republican.

[#] Sat Oct 19 2024 22:25:42 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Friend Affected by Politics, Propaganda, Paranoia

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Alright, so I have a friend in Michigan who is living on food stamps and trying to apply for disability aid. He lives in a house which is falling appart and the only source of income is his wife chaining temporary jobs. I am not aware of the entirety of the details, but around the chinavirus crisis he lost the job he had, developed health issues, and was unable to procure himself a stable source of income.

Anyway, we meet on IRC sometimes and today he mentioned to me he is scared the MAGA types are going to "euthanasiate" him. He seriously believed that. He told me he is voting for the opposition because of that reason. He cited that Project 2025 document as a source.

I am kind of sad because this guy is the sort of person who would get to suffer the most from Democrat rule.

[#] Sat Oct 19 2024 23:34:23 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Friend Affected by Politics, Propaganda, Paranoia

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Might let him know Trump has denied any relationship to that silly 2025 propaganda thing.  And in historical past, who has helped out the needy more? R or D?  

But i know, most who have been brainwashed by left cant be saved.

[#] Sat Oct 19 2024 23:43:20 UTC from darknetuser

Subject: Re: Friend Affected by Politics, Propaganda, Paranoia

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2024-10-19 19:34 from Nurb432
Subject: Re: Friend Affected by Politics, Propaganda, Paranoia
Might let him know Trump has denied any relationship to that
silly 2025 propaganda thing.  And in historical past, who has
helped out the needy more? R or D?  

But i know, most who have been brainwashed by left cant be

I pretty much mentioned that and the conversation dropped the subject around that point. I doubt I changed his mind.

[#] Sun Oct 20 2024 22:40:38 UTC from Nurb432

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So Elon may have just stepped in it.  When i first heard he was paying people to register to vote, i figured this would not end well. ( and some sort of prize lottery too )

Sure he did not say 'vote for Trump and get paid' but the Ds already hate him and with current day law-fare, and this riding right on the edge in the first place, it just opened the door wide. And reports are they are now 'looking into this'

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