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[#] Thu Jun 17 2021 12:52:02 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Far be it from me to disabuse people of the notion that King isn't worth the effort. His politics make it so that regardless of if his literary efforts were worth the effort to read or not - he doesn't need any more money. 

His movies have consistently been terrible - his television shows even worse. They're bad adaptations in most cases - and a lot of his plots don't lend themselves well to cinema. Cujo is a 400+ page novel that spends most of its time with a mother and son dehydrating slowly locked in a hot car with a rabid dog outside. Not a lot of excitement in that. 

His writing style is not everyone's cup of tea. He does a lot of exposition - and some of it is incredibly detailed and has no actual bearing on the plot. Two pages describing in detail the brand, pulp, color, taste, and fragrance of a cup of OJ the character has poured for his breakfast. That isn't *much* of an exaggeration. 


[#] Thu Jun 17 2021 16:53:22 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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King was terrible even before he outed himself as a hate factory. But then when he did, it signalled that there would be no improvement forthcoming.

[#] Sun Jun 20 2021 02:30:19 EDT from arabella

Subject: Re: Lunch has been making me progressively fatter

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Truth, and trust me, me if I ever get the chance, I'm getting off this rock.

Wed Jun 09 2021 06:15:52 AM EDT from Nurb432 Subject: Re: Lunch has been making me progressively fatter

I donno, i hear Earthlngs in general are a problem. We try to avoid that part of the galaxy. 


[#] Sun Jun 20 2021 02:34:36 EDT from arabella

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I agree with IG.

I quit Farcebook a year ago, I miss it not one jot

Thu Jun 10 2021 07:46:57 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Traffic on Webcitadelphia is abysmal and boredom keeps driving me to

you horrible, horrible person


[#] Sun Jun 20 2021 08:54:24 EDT from Nurb432

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I still do think properly managed groups + ad block = tolerable

Problem i have is most of my extended family is only there.   

General use, no. 

Sun Jun 20 2021 02:34:36 AM EDT from arabella

I agree with IG.

I quit Farcebook a year ago, I miss it not one jot



[#] Sun Jun 20 2021 14:02:40 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Logged on and had a warning that my post violated community standards. 

It was *this* post, from 2017. Without context, do any of you know what this is in reference to, or why it might violate community standards?