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[#] Fri Jul 09 2021 21:30:14 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Re: The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy

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Partial evidence, taken out of context, is often worse than none at all. It gives you a false perception, and judgments made off them are questionable at best.

[#] Fri Jul 09 2021 21:40:20 UTC from LoanShark

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That cuts both ways; if the decision to get Pfizered is suspect because the evidence is "partial" (whatever that means), then the decision *not* to get Pfizered is just as fraught. In the reality we currently live in, it's kind of like we are building the plane as we are flying it. In other words, that's life.

[#] Fri Jul 09 2021 22:17:39 UTC from Nurb432

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May just be me, but i see making a decision not to do something due to lack of evidence is a better choice than doing it.


[#] Fri Jul 09 2021 22:32:49 UTC from LoanShark

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2021-07-09 18:17 from Nurb432
May just be me, but i see making a decision not to do something due
to lack of evidence is a better choice than doing it.

My position on this is simple: there's plenty of evidence, you're just setting the bar too high, under the circumstances, for what you think is "enough." We don't have the luxury of waiting for years of long-term safety data when (a) we're in the middle of a crisis, (b) the data we do have is extremely good, with negligible safety concerns and excellent efficacy, (c) based on all our medical experience, we have no particular reason to suspect a serious long-term safety issue, and (d) we have every reason to believe that the long-term effects of exposure to the live virus can be very bad, with a large percentage of people experiencing lingering symptoms.

Personally, it took me months to fully recover. And in my immediate social circle, I have:

* one death
* two cases of anosmia, which is likely due to nerve damage. nerve damage can be permanent.
* one of the people with anosmia also has permanent hearing loss due to nerve damage. She had a lot of brain inflammation.
* one person with lung damage who is being told that she will likely require supplemental oxygen for the rest of her life.

"Long Covid" is a very real phenomenon and it's not fear-mongering to say so. It *might* be baseless (and irresponsible) fear-mongering to push nonexistent safety concerns about vax.

[#] Fri Jul 09 2021 22:35:50 UTC from LoanShark

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Make that 3 cases of anosmia. Not that my anecdotes really matter.

[#] Fri Jul 09 2021 22:51:24 UTC from Nurb432

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I dont happen to think we are.  Well not a real one, its a manufactured one.  The 'known' % death rate ( yes i know, cant trust all numbers, but with it so contradictory to the narrative, i tend to believe they are true ) is so low that i dont consider it a crisis.  There are far bigger risks out there and they are ignored.

I have also known several people who have had it, including myself and my wife. 1 person i know had to undergo treatment, recovered. One person i know of did die, of pre-existing complications, not the virus its self. All from personal experience. 

Fri Jul 09 2021 06:32:49 PM EDT from LoanShark
 we're in the middle of a crisis,


[#] Sat Jul 10 2021 00:12:54 UTC from test2

Subject: Re: Re: The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy

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Hmm, wonder what some doctors who are treating covid might have to say.... 

here is an interview for ya.  Ya I know its long but splurge a little..


Fri Jul 09 2021 04:58:29 PM EDT from Nurb432 Subject: Re: The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy

we will never know the truth. If it went great, we wont believe the numbers since they lie to us all the freaking time. If it went bad they will hide the numbers. 


Either way, results are the same. Cant trust it.



Part 1



Part 2



[#] Sat Jul 10 2021 00:21:57 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

Subject: Re: Re: The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy

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This. 100%. I was cautious in that post - because of this. 

"Retracted" doesn't mean anything, anymore. Neither does "Proven". 

Fri Jul 09 2021 16:58:29 EDT from Nurb432 Subject: Re: The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy

we will never know the truth. If it went great, we wont believe the numbers since they lie to us all the freaking time. If it went bad they will hide the numbers. 


Either way, results are the same. Cant trust it.


[#] Sat Jul 10 2021 00:22:45 UTC from Nurb432

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Its all about the %. .001% is not worth my time to care. Nor anyone else.


[#] Sat Jul 10 2021 00:29:32 UTC from test2

Subject: Re: Re: Re: The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy

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Dr Mccollough aint no quack.  I've researched the microbiology of the rona and Pete's summary is exactly in alignment with what I've uncovered.  I have first hand experience with the antivirals.  In my (and Pete's) opinion, its far safer to contract the rona and begin any one of 14 possible antiviral treatments, with "stacking" for high risk individuals.  Opinions contrary to this will be proven politically motivated over time. Compared to all other vaccine experience, the rona gene therapy is positively lethal.  The legal protections provided to the political and drug establishment are alarming.  Your insurance company is allowed to legally drop your coverage for "covid vaccine damage" because you willingly entered into an experimental research program.  the current "vaccine" is considered an experimental research biological treatment and you waive your downstream rights.  That is what the informed consent decree is, it tells you - you're on your own if anything goes wrong, ya, good luck with that. 

[#] Sat Jul 10 2021 00:30:00 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Who is "they-ing"? 

The Pro-Vaccination argument is basically that there is some sinister *someone* out there. Maybe it is the Orange Man and his minions - maybe it is the bad conservatives who enjoy that the disease disproportionately affects PoCs and the poor, maybe it is "foreign disinformation operations"... It is all shadows and boogey men. 

Which admittedly, isn't a lot different than the arguments from the Anti-Vaccination argument. 

I'm not trying to pick a fight with you here. The distrust is not the fault solely of one side or the other - but it is absolutely the fault of both sides. 


Fri Jul 09 2021 17:08:23 EDT from LoanShark


"the prevalence of foreign disinformation operations is highly statistically and substantively significant in predicting a drop in mean vaccination rates over time"


[#] Sat Jul 10 2021 00:32:48 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy

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 I had not thought of that, but i agree that it makes sense they could. 

Fri Jul 09 2021 08:29:32 PM EDT from test2 Subject: Re: Re: Re: The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy

  Your insurance company is allowed to legally drop your coverage for "covid vaccine damage" because you willingly entered into an experimental research program. 


[#] Sat Jul 10 2021 00:37:51 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy

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I've heard permutations of this claim. My Niece told me a positive Covid test would cancel your insurance. 

Can someone provide sauce? 


Fri Jul 09 2021 20:32:48 EDT from Nurb432 Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy

 I had not thought of that, but i agree that it makes sense they could. 

Fri Jul 09 2021 08:29:32 PM EDT from test2 Subject: Re: Re: Re: The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy

  Your insurance company is allowed to legally drop your coverage for "covid vaccine damage" because you willingly entered into an experimental research program. 



[#] Sat Jul 10 2021 00:39:29 UTC from Nurb432

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Oh, and im not anti-vax out of principle. I just dont think the world should be treated as a lab rat *and* nearly forced to get it

Go thru the proper testing.. Show its safe, then let people make their own decision.  

[#] Sat Jul 10 2021 01:59:07 UTC from test2

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I had a boss and he had a particular proclivity.  If he caught you "stretching" the truth (aka, little white lie) or spinning the narritive. you were fired on the spot. no quarter given. in his book there is no grey scale when it comes to obfuscating the truth.  im a consummate researcher, without that mindset you'll get fired in this environment. many of my colleagues are gone because of it.  so, one of the many topics of my research swerves heavily into rona.  I can tell you unequivocally, the medical institutions are now your enemy and there is a nascent medical government in place driving civil government - worldwide.  watch those two videos i posted.  listen intently to Dr Peter. he casually lays down truths that have tremendous significance.  His comments regarding our beloved major US medical institutions abandoning standards of care are horrific.  Those same institutions are spinning the truth and in many cases outright lying to you.  The medical technology space is deep and difficult to comprehend without multiple diverse technical degrees (some of which i possess). this complexity lends itself to obscuring the truth, and lying to your face.  parting comment.  you are in danger listening to this government (administration). time to fire them. no quarter given.

[#] Mon Jul 12 2021 15:27:54 UTC from LoanShark

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2021-07-09 20:30 from ParanoidDelusions
Who is "they-ing"? 

Nurb literally said "they". That's what I was responding to.

I found it to be a bit telling.

[#] Mon Jul 12 2021 15:31:03 UTC from LoanShark

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2021-07-09 20:39 from Nurb432
Oh, and im not anti-vax out of principle. I just dont think the world

You're not. There's a difference between normal hesitancy and pushing disinformation, and your posts mostly fall into the former category.

Obviously a little more hesitant than I would personally think is appropriate, but whatever.

[#] Mon Jul 12 2021 15:40:41 UTC from LoanShark

Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations—We Should Rethink the Policy

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2021-07-09 20:37 from ParanoidDelusions
Subject: =?UTF-8?Q?Re:_Re:_Re:_Re:_Re:_The_Safety_of_COVID-19_Vaccinations=E2=80=94We_Should_Rethink_the_Policy?=

I've heard permutations of this claim. My Niece told me a positive
Covid test would cancel your insurance. 

Can someone provide sauce? 

Yeah, there's no sauce here (and I think I'm agreeing with PD again...)

I understand the paranoia though. Those of us who caught covid during the early stages (say, around March 2020) felt very ill-served by a medical establishment that was treating us like lepers and just telling us to stay home.

That's the way it had to be, of course. That was so that the hospitals could focus their efforts on folks who actually needed the most care.

Although, I still hear stories of people being told to stay home despite a rather shockingly low SpO2. Ugh.

In NYC, it was a shitshow, with brutal triage decisions being made in the field by paramedics instead of by the more qualified doctors. My mom's cousin was sent home, where she suddenly died.

[#] Mon Jul 12 2021 15:42:06 UTC from LoanShark

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and my wife. 1 person i know had to undergo treatment, recovered. One
person i know of did die, of pre-existing complications, not the
virus its self. All from personal experience. 

If you had a chronic-but-stable underlying condition that put you at a higher risk of covid death, say 10% or whatever, and you caught covid and died, it is more fair and appropriate and accurate to say that you died of covid.

[#] Mon Jul 12 2021 17:43:48 UTC from Nurb432

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Considering if they caught regular flu or a variety of other common infections, most likely would have died in that case too.  Since so many things could have impacted them in the same way, i hesitate to say it was 'due to covid' specifically. to me its more 'they were sick, caught something that made it worse'. I feel the underlying issue was the real problem.  To me it skews the story.

Id be ok with it if it was unique situation that only covid could 'aggravate' it and then you clearly state that was the 'cause' that pushed them over the edge..

Mon Jul 12 2021 11:42:06 AM EDT from LoanShark
and my wife. 1 person i know had to undergo treatment, recovered. One
person i know of did die, of pre-existing complications, not the
virus its self. All from personal experience. 

If you had a chronic-but-stable underlying condition that put you at a higher risk of covid death, say 10% or whatever, and you caught covid and died, it is more fair and appropriate and accurate to say that you died of covid.


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