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[#] Fri Aug 09 2024 19:00:58 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Citadel became unsuable.

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Well I'm glad that the new version made it work because I was unable to reproduce the problem.

[#] Mon Aug 12 2024 03:35:58 UTC from warp

Subject: Docker installation fails to start webcit and enters loop: need help

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I've been using citadel on and off for a while now, and so far, the experience is great. I was installing citadel on another system for another use case, and just found out there's a docker version. I pulled the image, like the commands on the site say, and now it's stuck in a loop trying to start webcit:


ctdlvisor: pid=278 exited, status=25856, exitcode=101
ctdlvisor: webcit (HTTP) running on pid=279
ctdlvisor: executing webcit (http)
ctdlvisor: pid=279 exited, status=25856, exitcode=101
ctdlvisor: webcit (HTTP) running on pid=280
ctdlvisor: executing webcit (http)


and so on for every other PID that isn't being used. I can't find anything on how to solve this. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance.

[#] Mon Aug 12 2024 08:50:55 UTC from nickb

Subject: missing SERACH feature in show as: Bulletin Boar

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Dear Support,

There  is another feature that disappeared.

The SEARCH function for the bulletin style email reader.

So here it works under MAIL

Then it DISAPPEARS under the show as BULLETIN board style. I also found it to be really handy to be able to read emails like a bulletin board then be able to find key words in my emails.







[#] Mon Aug 12 2024 19:23:58 UTC from warp

Subject: Re: Docker installation fails to start webcit and enters loop: need help

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Sun Aug 11 2024 23:35:58 EDTfrom warp Subject: Docker installation fails to start webcit and enters loop: need help


I've been using citadel on and off for a while now, and so far, the experience is great. I was installing citadel on another system for another use case, and just found out there's a docker version. I pulled the image, like the commands on the site say, and now it's stuck in a loop trying to start webcit:

ctdlvisor: pid=278 exited, status=25856, exitcode=101
ctdlvisor: webcit (HTTP) running on pid=279
ctdlvisor: executing webcit (http)
ctdlvisor: pid=279 exited, status=25856, exitcode=101
ctdlvisor: webcit (HTTP) running on pid=280
ctdlvisor: executing webcit (http)

and so on for every other PID that isn't being used. I can't find anything on how to solve this. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Found the issue. I had apache running in the background.


[#] Tue Aug 13 2024 13:02:25 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Docker installation fails to start webcit and enters loop: need help

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Found the issue. I had apache running in the background.

Glad to hear it wasn't a software defect, but it tells us that we should look for an opportunity to bring that particular error message out to the front so that the operator can see it. Thank you.

[#] Tue Aug 13 2024 13:04:19 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: missing SERACH feature in show as: Bulletin Boar

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Then it DISAPPEARS under the show as BULLETIN board style. I
also found it to be really handy to be able to read emails like
a bulletin board then be able to find key words in my emails.

Can you clarify please ... was there a previous version of Citadel in which this appeared differently, or are you pointing out the difference between the Mail and Forums view and requesting the search box in one of them?

And if it is an older version where it worked differently, what version was that? WebCit-classic hasn't been significantly modified in quite some time but we can run a diff and see if something was accidentally lost.

[#] Tue Aug 13 2024 14:47:44 UTC from MarisaG

Subject: How to edit the "Citadel" logo in the top-left of the webcit page...

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I figure I could just overwrite the .gif file, but would rather have it use PNG and a different name so it doesn't get overwritten on future updates. Any tips?

[#] Tue Aug 13 2024 14:49:12 UTC from MarisaG

Subject: Other language support?

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I had a user request the option to use de_DE language rather than the en_US it uses by default. Is this a option?

[#] Tue Aug 13 2024 14:51:23 UTC from MarisaG

Subject: Adding a menu item?

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I had a user request a way to display the privacy policy I generated for people in the EU. Is there a way to add a menu item in the left menu-bar? Or a better way to do this?

[#] Tue Aug 13 2024 15:23:31 UTC from riff

Subject: IMAP client configuration

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Hi there,

I successfully (I think) installed the dockerized version of Citadel, opening the needed tcp inbound ports, the web part is behing a Caddy instance and the whole things seems to work well, with two users on two different domains, I'm sending and receiving mail correctly.

Now, when I try to connect a mail client to this Citadel instance it fails, with Thunderbird, Outlook classic or emClient. I tried to connect manually with telnet on port 143 and the server anwers correctly.

So, I didn't find on the Citadel web site any recommendations for setting up a mail client, maybe there is an extra configuration needed on the server ?



[#] Tue Aug 13 2024 21:26:02 UTC from MarisaG

Subject: Re: IMAP client configuration

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thunderbird should auto-detect the settings if you give it your email address and password. Works for me on that platform and other users of my server find that's true too.

[#] Tue Aug 13 2024 23:07:05 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: IMAP client configuration

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That always worked for me as well. 

Tue Aug 13 2024 17:26:02 EDT from MarisaG Subject: Re: IMAP client configuration

thunderbird should auto-detect the settings if you give it your email address and password. Works for me on that platform and other users of my server find that's true too.


[#] Wed Aug 14 2024 08:45:12 UTC from riff

Subject: Re: IMAP client configuration

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Ah, thanks for your reply but I think the default self-signed certificated generated by Citadel is refused by the mail clients, can you confirm that you had to setup a "real" certificate ?


Tue Aug 13 2024 17:26:02 EDT from MarisaG Subject: Re: IMAP client configuration

thunderbird should auto-detect the settings if you give it your email address and password. Works for me on that platform and other users of my server find that's true too.


[#] Wed Aug 14 2024 11:31:20 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: IMAP client configuration

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Not that it helps you but all my certs are done via an 'external' NGNIX server..  ( it also handles all my DNS name -> IP/port routing since im stuck with one external IP address to use )

Wed Aug 14 2024 04:45:12 EDT from riff Subject: Re: IMAP client configuration

Ah, thanks for your reply but I think the default self-signed certificated generated by Citadel is refused by the mail clients, can you confirm that you had to setup a "real" certificate ?


[#] Wed Aug 14 2024 16:42:16 UTC from riff

Subject: Re: IMAP client configuration

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It's working now, as I guessed Citadel needed real certificates, I used one automatically generated by the Caddy already used as a reverse proxy for the Citadel web access, and it worked !

I imagine that it's quite close to your own solution, thanks.


Wed Aug 14 2024 07:31:20 EDT from Nurb432 Subject: Re: IMAP client configuration

Not that it helps you but all my certs are done via an 'external' NGNIX server..  ( it also handles all my DNS name -> IP/port routing since im stuck with one external IP address to use )

Wed Aug 14 2024 04:45:12 EDT from riff Subject: Re: IMAP client configuration

Ah, thanks for your reply but I think the default self-signed certificated generated by Citadel is refused by the mail clients, can you confirm that you had to setup a "real" certificate ?



[#] Wed Aug 14 2024 17:44:55 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: IMAP client configuration

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.. and i meant ti say 'Not that it helps you directly'.. lost a word in there .. but it was enough to help. which is all that matters ;)

[#] Thu Aug 15 2024 09:06:08 UTC from nickb

Subject: Re: missing SERACH feature in show as: Bulletin Boar

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Tue Aug 13 2024 09:04:19 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: missing SERACH feature in show as: Bulletin Boar
Then it DISAPPEARS under the show as BULLETIN board style. I
also found it to be really handy to be able to read emails like
a bulletin board then be able to find key words in my emails.

Can you clarify please ... was there a previous version of Citadel in which this appeared differently, or are you pointing out the difference between the Mail and Forums view and requesting the search box in one of them?

And if it is an older version where it worked differently, what version was that? WebCit-classic hasn't been significantly modified in quite some time but we can run a diff and see if something was accidentally lost.




would all have the SEARCH function ontop of the "view as"

It was a few version earlier, when you still have the OPENID

[#] Sat Aug 17 2024 11:40:23 UTC from Nic

Subject: Remote retrieval

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I am trying to setup remote retrieval of my messages from a pop server. Citadel only allows me to enter one mailbox to retrieve mail from per pop server. I have several mailboxes all on the same pop server that I need to add.  Please advise how this can be achieved.

[#] Tue Aug 20 2024 09:42:29 UTC from tttt

Subject: DKIM private key

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Is there a way to extract the private key for backup, and later to restore the backup to avoid modifying DNS records?

[#] Tue Aug 20 2024 10:47:52 UTC from luisgo

Subject: Perhaps an issue in Rule.

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Dear All,

I have a top rule as:

X-SPAM-STATUS contains TRUE -> Move message to Folder -> Continue processing.

Then comes another rules to process the message that I want to be processed even it is SPAM.

It happens that if the message is detected as SPAM it does not do the next rules. (I suppose).

In the next rules I forward the message to other emails and they did not receive.

It already worked (forward email) when the email was not SPAM. (this is a montly received email).

Despite the message flaged as SPAM it is wrong flaged but this is another thing.

Perhaps this can have workarrounds (you can sugest, I changed the order of the rules) but I think that it is an anomally. 


Luís Gonçalves.


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