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[#] Sun May 02 2021 23:57:21 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: *boom* stick

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I know its an evil YT video, but i dont know how this guy is still alive.  Just watching the video of it happening, hurts.


... 100$ dollar rounds? I would be *expecting* shenanigans...

[#] Tue May 04 2021 22:22:38 UTC from test2

Subject: Re: *boom* stick

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slap's are old rounds - our mil buds don't use em (different good stuff they use).  it was a common practice to booby trap such rounds over the years, especially rounds outside of the US. that one could have been a booby trap or a foreign counterfeit sneaking back in.  also the red plastic shroud can crack in the case damaging the round integrity.  The hardened "round" could improperly contact the barrel with disastrous results.  this looks more like a hand grenade going off.   the rifle he's using isn't particularly safe to be used with unknown loads.  more like a pipe bomb rifle, sealed breech.  if he's reloading or buying reputable manufactured rounds it's fine. glad he made it.

[#] Tue May 04 2021 22:40:43 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: *boom* stick

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I know i would never be using rounds like that, risk is far to high. 

Tue May 04 2021 06:22:38 PM EDT from test2 Subject: Re: *boom* stick

slap's are old rounds - our mil buds don't use em (different good stuff they use).  it was a common practice to booby trap such rounds over the years, especially rounds outside of the US. that one could have been a booby trap or a foreign counterfeit sneaking back in.  also the red plastic shroud can crack in the case damaging the round integrity.  The hardened "round" could improperly contact the barrel with disastrous results.  this looks more like a hand grenade going off.   the rifle he's using isn't particularly safe to be used with unknown loads.  more like a pipe bomb rifle, sealed breech.  if he's reloading or buying reputable manufactured rounds it's fine. glad he made it.


[#] Tue May 11 2021 21:33:58 UTC from zooer

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Texas judge blocks NRA from declaring bankruptcy

[#] Tue May 11 2021 22:47:37 UTC from Nurb432

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Sort of expected that.  They are trying to pull a fast one, trying to get away with several years of fraud.

They are not your father's NRA and i blame Wayne. 

[#] Sat May 15 2021 23:10:21 UTC from zelgomer

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They are not your father's NRA and i blame Wayne. 

Yup. Let it die, give your money to GOA or SAF (if you must; I'm too cheap to donate to anybody, but SAF does get roughly 17 cents from me a year through Amazon Smile!).

[#] Sat May 15 2021 23:11:56 UTC from Nurb432

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I stopped giving my money to NRA long ago. I had heard rumors long before anything had hit the fan. 

[#] Sat May 15 2021 23:14:53 UTC from Nurb432

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I guess i should add:  Its not like i expected Wayne to go hungry or have to drive between presentations in a 1970 beetle. And sure, there are some perks to being the big guy of a large entity like that, but he took it WAY too far. 

[#] Sun May 16 2021 02:23:51 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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When the lurkers speak up here, I realize how far I am behind on The Sanitarium... 

I guess I have lurkers too. Ig, you need to add a "log-in" log. 


Sat May 15 2021 19:10:21 EDT from zelgomer
They are not your father's NRA and i blame Wayne. 

Yup. Let it die, give your money to GOA or SAF (if you must; I'm too cheap to donate to anybody, but SAF does get roughly 17 cents from me a year through Amazon Smile!).


[#] Tue Jun 08 2021 20:53:05 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Without the NRA who is the most effective and consequential voice in defense of firearm ownership?

[#] Tue Jun 08 2021 20:56:02 UTC from Nurb432

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Many people feel GOA is .

Tue Jun 08 2021 04:53:05 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Without the NRA who is the most effective and consequential voice in defense of firearm ownership?


[#] Tue Jun 08 2021 21:12:06 UTC from Nurb432

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I guess ATF has flip flopped gain on pistol braces.  Effectively banning them once the new rules come out.


 Unconstitutional *****

[#] Tue Jun 08 2021 22:32:07 UTC from zooer

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The NRA's main goal was to ask for money more for the NRA.  

[#] Tue Jun 08 2021 22:35:11 UTC from Nurb432

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I think in the beginning, this was not the case.  But once Wayne got in there, yes, i agree.  

 Tue Jun 08 2021 06:32:07 PM EDT from zooer

The NRA's main goal was to ask for money more for the NRA.  


[#] Mon Jun 28 2021 20:37:55 UTC from Nurb432

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Hmm so when they effectively ban braces again next month ( even if it was constitutional their 'rules' are a crock of poo.. Even tho its impossible to meet the requirements, at the beginning " we hold the right to not follow the rules and just make a judgement call on what we think your intent was" ) i guess if you have bought one later, or separately as you built it, you can remove and destroy it.  If you pistol came with it, you cant do that and either have to destroy the entire firearm or register it ( that illegal national registry crap again ) as a SBR.


Pisses me off to no end.



[#] Thu Aug 19 2021 23:08:58 UTC from zelgomer

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I've been looking at CZs on-and-off for several years now.  Surprisingly, none of the ranges around me have one for rent except for one, and it's a tricked out full-size race pistol.  I tried it, and it was alright, but not very representative of what I'm looking for.  I think that this is going to be one that I'll just have to buy to try.

Does anyone here happen to own a CZ 75 P-01?  Could I possibly trouble you to get a ruler and measure the width of the frame for me?  Like maybe across the top of the dust cover with the slide removed?  This is a surprisingly difficult dimension to find.  Most references I've found including CZ's website have the width somewhere around 1.4", and I suspect they're including the grips or the controls at their extremes, which makes that metric not very helpful since those things wouldn't be included in what's shoved down my pants.

[#] Thu Aug 19 2021 23:24:38 UTC from Nurb432

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If no one around here has one, what about calling a shop that sells them? I'm sure they would measure it for you. 

[#] Sat Aug 21 2021 00:44:41 UTC from Nurb432

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State dept enacted what is in effect a permanent ban on Russian ammo and firearms. ( its not technically, but the requirements for lifting the ban are not obtainable, so in effect, permanent ) Seems that makes up nearly 40% of the ammo supply for citizens.  ( didnt realize it was so high actually )


[#] Sat Aug 21 2021 17:38:20 UTC from zelgomer

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Thu Aug 19 2021 19:24:38 EDT from Nurb432

If no one around here has one, what about calling a shop that sells them? I'm sure they would measure it for you.

And directly interact with another human?  Are you crazy??


Fri Aug 20 2021 20:44:41 EDT from Nurb432

State dept enacted what is in effect a permanent ban on Russian ammo and firearms. ( its not technically, but the requirements for lifting the ban are not obtainable, so in effect, permanent ) Seems that makes up nearly 40% of the ammo supply for citizens.  ( didnt realize it was so high actually )


I worried that they would eventually figure this out.  You don't have to ban guns, just make it prohibitively expensive to shoot them.  Of course, the gang-bangers won't mind; a drive-by doesn't take that much ammo, and it's just the cost of doing business.  But they were never the real target, were they?

[#] Sat Aug 21 2021 21:04:21 UTC from Nurb432

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Well i did say call, you dont have to actually SEE them



Sat Aug 21 2021 01:38:20 PM EDT from zelgomer
Thu Aug 19 2021 19:24:38 EDT from Nurb432

If no one around here has one, what about calling a shop that sells them? I'm sure they would measure it for you.

And directly interact with another human?  Are you crazy??




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